Very interesting stuff. Now I can see the benefits of a full frame camera. Looking at the sample videos, to my eyes that DoF looks like f5.6 and sometimes f4 equivalent on a FF sensor.
New firmware v1.1
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 25mm f1.2 PRO Lens for $999
Small practical usage interview in Japanese
Our third interview concerning this lens
Our Interview about Olympus Pro prime lenses lineup
Centre sharpness is high from wide open (f/1.2) up to f/11. It is only the narrowest aperture available, f/16, which seems to suffer from diffraction issues, being slightly softer when viewed at 100%. The edges aren't as sharp as the center, with sharpest results at f/5.6-f/11.
Interview with developers about this lens
at http://dc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/interview/1055379.html
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