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Easy script for drag&drop merging of spanned AVCHD .MTS files (in Windows)
  • Today I needed to merge some spanned AVCHD/MTS files (because of the 4gb file soize limit on the fat32 capture card) together into one on my workstation. I just searched for this script which I normally used but since I couldn't find the script on my system, I rewrote it and thought I'd share it. Just for everyone else who has some use for this handy little script here's the code:

    echo off
    title Merge Files
    set /p choice="Enter path to merge to: (eg. C:\video\test.MTS)"
    if "%~1"=="" exit
    if not "%~1"=="" SET one=%1
    if not "%~2"=="" SET two= + %2
    if not "%~3"=="" SET three= + %3
    if not "%~4"=="" SET four= + %4
    if not "%~5"=="" SET five= + %5
    if not "%~6"=="" SET six= + %6
    if not "%~7"=="" SET seven= + %7
    if not "%~8"=="" SET eight= + %8
    if not "%~9"=="" SET nine= + %9
    copy /b %one%%two%%three%%four%%five%%six%%seven%%eight%%nine% "%choice%"
    echo AVCHD Joining Complete.

    Just copy this code into a .txt and rename into .bat. Then you can just drag and drop the files, by selecting them and drag the first one on the .bat. You will then be prompted to input a destination path and name. You can merge a total of nine files into one this way.


  • 5 Replies sorted by
  • I don't think this is the right way to merge files. You probably want to use ffmpeg.

  • Avidemux is more handy way.

    Here script just marges files physically not taking nay formats into account.

  • @Ezzelin It's the right way if you have spanned .MTS files from the GH2 for example. Works for me all the time. If you don't merge them beforehand some editors will skip a frame of audio or video where they automatically merge the spanned clips. Since all files are of the exact same format, two parts of one clip are just written into one longer one with this script, easy and fast method, but everxone has their own method i guess, just wanted to share what I think is easiest. Afterwards i usually transcode into an intermediate codec for ease of use in editing. Cheers

  • Another method is to use iDealshare VideoGo to join avchd files into one with the following easy steps: Step 1: Drag and drop the avchd files to iDealshare VideoGo. Step 2: Click Merge button. Step 3 click Convert button.

  • @greatlucklucky

    Looks like spam :-) Actually I see stopforumspam reports on this email.