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UK: Good times ahead
  • Bank of England boss Mervyn King:

    "this is the most serious financial crisis we’ve seen, at least since the 1930s, if not ever"


    Of course, this motherfucker said this after pumping extra £75 billion pounds into banks (I do not know why they always say "economy :-) )

  • 16 Replies sorted by
  • >All we need now is the BNP to win a election and we'll all be up the facist shit creek.

    All we need is Project Mayhem, where the f$€£ is Tyler Durdan when you need him?
  • Im a Brit...hard times are what? Its about bloody time as were spoiled too much! ;-)

    All we need now is the BNP to win a election and we'll all be up the facist shit creek.
  • It's a rigged system, like monopoly where you control the game when you have the most resources and you wipe out your opponents. The demise of one bank brings great fortune to one or the other hedge fund, at the expense of tax payer money, sucking billions out of an economy every time.
    The inequality is now so immense, that the status quo cannot be maintained, so you have millions of people uprising, fighting for better living conditions, where they have nothing left to lose.
    This is where the system will collapse, as the interest of a wealthy elite cannot be protected any longer by the regular defence mechanisms. Like in monopoly someone has won everything, but then the game is over. So where to go from here?
  • Personally, I'm not even worried about financial crisis. Whats worrying me is that in the current situation where for example Greece is forced to change their government by the pressure to calm down the markets. It has nothing to do with demogracy. No one even asked the people (well they thought that maybe they could, but then they didn't - what the f***?!), beacause it's all about "beneficial unifying economy". For gods sake..

    And the other thing bothering me is the fact that the system is able to build situations where one collapsing piece can bring everything down with it.. Card towers all around. No wonder it's a mess.
  • Take the NIA with a grain of salt they are just trying to control people for there supposed pump and dump schemes. Get your information from many sources and make your own conclusions trust no single source especially the peddlers of fear.
  • Welcome to the worldwide meat grinder. There are too many people who borrowed too much money from too few people. Also indirectly from massive odious debts. Such inequality is throwing the global ponzi scheme off balance. Those bankers are trying to resolve the issue by transfering their massive losses from their clients to the majority populations who are already deep in debt. It would take at least one generation's sacrifice to get out of the debts. 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, 50 years?
  • @Vitaliy
    I think that each of these procedures will be a national fucking ass. This system has ceased to be efficient - time to change that. Thanks for the info
  • Generally it can be either way, or goverment will give them money.
    They won't tell you that they give them money for nothing.
    They certainly call this "buyout" of some stuff (with real price near to 0.0001).

    Or they can nationalize them, transfer debt and problems into public, and later sell clear bank out for small money.
  • Can someone explain to me because I do not quite understand. Most banks are in private hands? Yes? These banks have huge problems? Yes? Now, in private banks pumped a lot of government money? Yes? Are these state banks are becoming? Nationalizing them? Am I truly felt that a big dick enter into my tight ass?
  • Shhhhhhh... we not done with drinking the kool-aid... yet.
  • You are not right :-)
    Many guys know "what the fuck is happening".
    They just won't tell you openly, because people start to be really upset.
    Something like "You'll work 2x more, and gain 2x less, food and energy cost will be 5x more, no free education, no free anything, and all will work 6 days a week, and till 70 years :-) "
  • No one knows what the fuck is happening. Its a complete mess.
  • Another optimist: