looks like antiquity those cards. I use them now. lol.
GH5 who would imagine reaching so far in time, and this forum and all this panasonic filling wishes. Its like dream. v90 cards. 250mbt.
What would Sandisk Extreme Pro 95MB/s cards be able to record on GH5? Or what not.
These Delkin cards seem to have the same read-write spec... starting at $90
V90 SD cards on german Amazon right now: 64GB: 199€ 129GB: 399€
Official website of Japan
150 Mbps (4:2:2, 10 bit long GOP (IP))
100 Mbps (4:2:0, 8 bit long GOP (IPB)
10 bits minimun for.hdr and.flavors. NOT LESS. call it HLG HDR HEVC REC 2020-rec 2100 minimun 10 bits. Less is sdr.
I think HLG is HEVC.
And 4k 60p is 420 8bit so I do not think it will support HLG.
Blood hungry Panasonic employee looking for your GH5 savings
@Vitaliy_Kiselev Where did that quote come from?
Also, indeed Color Space has nothing to do with codec, but I never said such thing. I simply stated that the HLG standard uses REC.2100, that's simply part of HLG's specifications.
I just said if the GH5 is going to deliver HLG-ready content directly from the camera and H.264 doesn't support HLG, it should mean that the GH5 will have to deliver it in H.265.
I am confused by statements.
Rec. 2100 has the same color space as Rec. 2020
Also, color space has little to do with HEVC or H.264 (until it is delivery format).
Plus, if it is true, it is stupid thing to select this space, as it is same story as bad long implementation in GH4.
I am also quite sick of all logs, hyper logs and such.
There is another interesting bit regarding the GH5 and HEVC.
Hybrid Log Gamma uses REC.2100 and its content has to be 4K 10-bit 422 but H.264 doesn't support HLG, so unless that changes, it will have to be H.265 - since I don't expect the GH5 to support VP9.
BBC and NHK are thinking about the future and broadcasting HDR content and bandwidth is important, if they were to get support by AVC codec, I would had expected them to already had done so, which makes me believe HLG won't be supported by H.264 after all.
If that's true, even if only for HDR content, the GH5 will have to output 4K 10-bit 422 HEVC and if so, why wouldn't Panasonic output it in other flavors of 4K? So I think we can expect to get 4K H.265 codec.
@sam_rides_a_mtb How does the 12-60 2.8-4.0 compare to the 12-35 2.8? Is it about as good, better or worse?
I went to previous GH5 events at Adorama and AbelCine. May go to B&H event. Sounds like Matt Frazer won't be there but most likely Sean Robinson. I tested IBIS with manual primes, as well as a few other features. Initial feedback is that IBIS with primes is a gamechanger! Also tested GH5 with new 12-60 Leica/Pany with dual IS enabled on a my DS1 gimbal. IBIS and gimbal did NOT fight eachother and only made things smoother, though didn't get much chance to play with IBIS settings when on gimbal. When used handheld and with 50mm f1.4 on XL speedbooster, I tried the two different IBIS settings and made recordings of both - one setting was definitely better than the other (think one of the setttings engaged software based IS which seemed to introduced some less-desirable results). Will upload video results soon. Overall impressions of GH5 are really positive!
Will also add that the GH5 fit perfectly in my soon-to-be-released camera cage. Tested with speedbooster with tripod foot mounted and fit just fine. Even got to test cable lock mechanism that comes with GH5 with my new cage and that fits too, though to be honest, the cable lock is not so much of a lock, but rather is a cable/jack guard.
GH5 will be present at
Let me know if you'll be on this events.
@Vitaliy_Kiselev , I'm not a sensor engineer but as a photographer which used a lot of cameras in his life, I see no trances of NR applied to the EM1 mk2 RAW files. I may be wrong, yes but so far I see no trance of NR pattern like in Sony and Pentax high ISO raw files. I'm also looking forward for more scientific tests that prove or disprove this NR theory.
@inqb8tr "If I may say my totally unscientific impression, based on working a lot with NR software in post, GH5 also uses heavier noise reduction than we have previously had on Lumix models, and many other cameras for that matter, and by that it gains better apparent ISO performance, but in high ISO examples we've seen so far, NR and sharpening artefacts are obvious. It seams that they've only raised the bar of what is possible to CPU, and the bar of what is acceptable to present as better low light capabilities."
I also had exactly the same impression.
I don't see any trace of NR applied to RAW's in the Em1 mk2 sensor. If it was like you said, the color fidelity would have suffered but it doesn't and the noise structure is nice, not like the higher ISO's in Sony and Pentax cameras. :)
I prefer more formal and scientific way, as "suffering color fidelity" is too wague.
I get it. This case seems to be fail safe, but it is a different ballgame altogether, of course, I was just thinking aloud without considering how the market works.
To get back on topic, I really hope that some software processing in GH5 can be shut off, to see where we are, and that some hardware sensor possibilities are at least a bit improved and not worsened while we admire software processing. In that pdf presentation there is a page on overexposure protection in certain modes "Like709 & Knee Control Suppress Overexposure by High Luminance Video Signals", to me, everything overexposed looks extremely bad on GH5 in a very original and distinctive way that resembles some video cameras from nineties, so I hope that this is not their new and revolutionary knee control, and that it can be shut of.
@Vitaliy_Kiselev, I don't see any trace of NR applied to RAW's in the Em1 mk2 sensor. If it was like you said, the color fidelity would have suffered but it doesn't and the noise structure is nice, not like the higher ISO's in Sony and Pentax cameras. :)
Any funding has big consequences. Company providing any funds want to see certain things in certain time, and do not see other things, never ever. This is also why this see 90% review sites declaring 'revolution' each week.
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