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Sony Alpha hacks talk
  • 258 Replies sorted by
  • Hello, pynk6! Thank you for this apps! Works well on Sony RX10m2! Can you upload other apks from SonyMarket?

  • star trails and double exposure apk-s, maybe somebody want`s them

  • So I've managed to brick my NEX-5N trying to perform a custom firmware upgrade after fiddling with the ext2 filesystem image. It doesn't show up any more via USB and the access light near the battery compartment blinks a long long long short short pattern over and over until the battery is removed (see

    Does anyone know if there's a way to put the NEX-5N into a DFU mode or force a firmware upgrade? Otherwise might be time to break out the soldering iron.

  • Hey !! I recently bought Sony a6300 in Japan .and I can't change language ofcourse so I tired the hacking tricks that u have given. I did everything needs to be done but when I click on install and afterwards it says device error: SSL What does that means?? Can u explain what went wrong??i really need it.

  • @sleepinghouse I believe it's working on the 6500 in 4K even though the menu option "Disable 4K video recording limit" is disabled. This is also the case with the A7SII/A7RII on the latest firmware.

    You'd need to check "Disable video recording limit" and test recording past 30mins in 4K for peace of mind.

  • I have a live shoot coming up next week. I see one person confirmed it working on the a6500 and another who did not. Can anyone else confirm this working on the a6500? I haven't bought one yet but I will buy the a6300 and shoot in 1080 if I have to. I would prefer to shoot 75 minutes in 4K with the a6500. Thanks.

  • what is the latest version and where can we find it ? Its not working for 6500 and 4k version 0.9

  • @colsub it seems that the GUI you are using has some issues, try installing the tweak using safari (mac)/internet explorer (windows).

  • @colsub it seems like your browser didn't establish the connection to your camera. Try with another PC

  • Hello,

    Thank you very much for the app development. Unlimited recording is quite useful.

    One question, in my testing, I noticed that my RX100 IV and RX10 II can record unlimited with a battery in place, but if I use a dummy battery or USB power the cameras revert back to 30 min.

    Is there a way to enable unlimited recording time while using external power?


  • Hello, I tried the hack on the A6500 and I can report that it works there, too. No more recording limit, even in 4K! :-)

  • @mobimore

    Cameras are based on different LSI, so huge numbers of things you never know are different.

    Until you somehow have few millions under your pillow and big wish to spend them pointlessly I suggest to just get camera you need instead.

  • Vitaliy_Kiselev, but if i have IDA, i can disassemble and get information about functions that exist in .so files and some bin files. Is it possible somehow to use this functions? And i don't think that A6300 is so much different from A6000 and PDAF with LA-EA1 is possible on A6300 and is impossible on A6000... In A63000 .so files there are some functions that are responsive for lens information and for information about PDAF, i think it should be possible to patch it somehow...

  • Hi, here

    you can see my problem:"Exception: Timeout" :( The 0.8 version GUI recognizes my camera Sony A7m2, then I load OpenMemories-Tweak.apk, the program reboot camera...but while the camera will restart the program gives me this error: "Exception: Timeout". Can someone help me ? Thanks :)

  • @mobimore

    You can rarely if ever can do such replacements.

  • Here are disassembles of from a6300 and a6000 is it possible to replace this libs on running camera? Maybe we will get a6300 api features in playmemories mobile app, such as Contents Playback for example? And maybe replacing some of libs can help with enabling PDAF on LA-EA1 adaptor?

    Screen Shot 2016-11-21 at 10.35.10 PM.png
    1435 x 632 - 139K
  • hi, i'm in japan and planning to buy the local version of a6000 which is much cheaper but I need to be able to change the language, will this hack work with the current firmware 3.20?

  • any idea if the temperature limit can be controlled via tweak? It seems the forced pixel reset does something that influences the runtime before overheating, so maybe that can be triggered in a more direct way?

  • Seems that someone has found on a5100 some .bin files for 4k recording, maybe it can be enabled ?

    This is the link of the tread

    I asked him to post here, so maybe he can gives more information about the location of the files

  • @nomad , thanks for the info

  • I had no problems here with my A7R II and current firmware.

  • @yiannis_zach, but can I install with 3.20 firmware on my a7m2 ? Thanks

  • thank you Sangye and yiannis_zach ! I willl test on my A7sII and report asap!

  • @colsub , if you use Mozilla Firefox, you can't. Use Internet Explorer or other browser