Yeneec booth, photos by Igor
Typhoone drone
Power Vision, Photokina, Photos by Igor
DJI Booth, video by Uli
Thanks Ralph, glad you liked them.
Thanks, Dieter, for the interviews. Good job!
Olympus Interview
Canon interview, mostly about M5
Yi interview about M1 camera, @AKED
WTF is Leica doing with crap like that when they were supposed to be announcing the next M camera?
@Vitaliy - thnx for the expansion....the coolest thing I´ve seen at this show . Now if panasonic had the guts to make the fz3000 like this !
We will have interviews coming:
Samyang booth
Xeen lenses
How is the Nikon 1 system doing in Europe? Is it still being promoted?
The Nikon 1 system will definitely still be be around in the future - there are no plans to withdraw it from the market, as you can tell by our stand which has a large Nikon 1 area. The Nikon 1 J5 camera is selling really well, allowing us to achieve up to 10% share with just one camera model in some European countries. Again, the smaller sensor size gives the Nikon 1 system some key advantages when compared to larger sensor cameras.
So this year we have 3 camera systems that will be remembered only by former owners and historians - Samsung NX, Sony A mount cameras and Nikon 1.
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