Here they are. shot with pancake 20mm SLR Magic 12 and SLR MAGIC 1.x33 with above settings...
@nobbystylus I'm curious too. Cine D usually results in awful skin tones unless some serious grading is taking place.
@nobbystylus Could you upload any samples? Thanks.
Just spent 6 days shooting. I've found the perfect settings for shooting. Skin tones perfect. Cinematic, very gradable. Spot on.
Keep WB at 5000k always for out door shooting, for indoors keep it at 3000k, then Cine D, 0, -5, -5, -2, 0. H/S 0/-2. Thats it.
low hanging fuits!
shot with 96fps-mode, a but of twixtor. GH4 with 100-300 f4
shot on Gh4.
@airboxlights : I'm not sure which comment/video of mine you are referencing, but don't shoot much wider than the final shot you want, unless you are planning on doing digital zoom in post. The stabilizing doesn't crop much off from what I've experienced, so shoot the same way you would to stabilize your 1080, but know that the 4k footage is going to give you a better stabilized shot is all.
@tylerknight: Hi Tyler- question about shooting 4k handheld for warp-stabilized 1080- How much wider than the final shot were you shooting, planning on a crop and stabilize operation? Any other shooting recommendations you'd make? What shutter speed was optimal? thanks
Shot on GH4 with Sigma 30mm 1.4 with Speedbooster W/O. ISO mostly on 400 & 800. Cinelike D using James Miller's M-Log Settings.
My first week with the GH4, family and friends on a little mini break
@jhonnyskulls, nice video.
@soulkeeper Yep, my monitor adjusts the levels...
Shot with the GH4.
Made with the GH4.
made with GH4 on ISO 6400 behind a 500 F4.
More pictures with the GH4
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