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Comparing cameras that uses db vs IS0
  • If you were to make a low light video comparison between the GH4 and AX100 for example, would it be fair to set the AX100 at 0 db and the GH4 at 800 ISO since the native ISO of the GH4 is said to be 800? In other words, would an ISO of 800 on the GH4 really be the equivalent of setting the AX100 to 0 db? Or would it be fairer if the GH4 was set to an ISO of 200?

    Also, if your shooting videos outdoors on a sunny day with the GH4, would it be wise to use an ISO of 200 or should it be at 800? That's assuming you have a strong enough ND filter.

    Anyone know what's the native ISO for the LX100?.

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • Anyone care to answer this? Basically if the native ISO for video of the GH4 is 800, then would that be recommended for shooting in bright sunlight if you have a strong enough ND? Or would it be wiser to shoot with an ISO of 200 in which you wouldn't need as strong of an ND?

    Anyway, I recently received an LX100 which I'll take with me to the Azores and I'm assuming the native ISO for video is also 800, right?

  • Personally, I'd run with the lowest ISO you can for any situation you're shooting in

  • I'd shoot using the same frame rate, the same 1/(2*frames_per_second) exposure time on both cameras, the same aperture on their lenses, and then whatever ISO/db value provides for correct exposure.