So over at a friend's house borrowing some lenses and he asked me If I had used any dogshit lenses lately. I laughed and said, "I really try not to ever use any", and then he showed me what he was talking about. The name alone made me laugh, but the results are kinda awesome, and I like what these guys are doing. For Cameras with shallow DR, these are amazing lenses.
I just love that their contrast options are "Low, Lower, and Stupidly Low."
@Sunscreen well, I maybe got a little too mean but I tend to default my responses to the level of absurdity I'm confronting or the level of respect I think they deserve. I should learn to take the high road more often but some things haven't changed in public forums since the 300bps days. PV needs an "ignore" function like most every other BBS.
Rich should feel pretty good he's got customers and non-customers alike who believe in what he's doing.
Holy cannoli what a thread!!!! I missed out on commenting earlier due to being on vacation.
Firstly, @Alex Thank you very much for providing MUCH needed insight & squashing the verbal idiocy spewed in this thread. You're the reason why I invested in the DSO brand to begin with! Special mention to @jpbturbo, @eatstoomuchjam, @crustovsky, @inqb8tr, @muntus & @3kids for dealing with & standing up to the rants of a presumptuous bully.
Secondly, @BurnetRhoades Thank you for the comic relief! You kept your cool where as I would have lost my sh!t.
I personally LOVE my DSO lens & stand by my recommendation of Richard's craftsmanship. As aforementioned, I will be ordering from him again soon. The FF58 is worth every penny!
I think I'm understanding why you and the college newspaper staff have had some issues.
I have to say this is a cool thing, somewhat daring to market old glass with imperfection. Here's the thing, i'm yet to find a lens, especially vintage that doesn't have some cool characteristic whether it be from fall off, mold, cleaning marks, bokah, whatever, if you find the time to stumble upon the strength and use it based on that they all have a place. I'm a die hard lens guy, and have many, many different types of glass in my collection, rarely do I ever sale any for that reason alone.
... and no, a lens plus (orange) filter is not cutting it.
I recognize everyone's difference in opinion. I recognize your right to say it.
For whatever it's worth, I'm sorry for acting like a twit.
With lenses side by side, you can see one of the modifications. The polished inner lip of the lens is going to reflect and scatter any light that happens to hit there, making it misbehave inside the lens. The edges of the optics inside the lens are painted which is why the tint comes out when shooting in strong light and tends not to come out when there isn't strong light hitting the front element.
so, what do I get for my money?
is it worth the money if you want that look (that no standard lens will give you so easily)?
yes it is! They had built this lens for me. They did a great job and I love the images I'm getting from it.
There is no sun at the moment in Berlin, so I shot a light bulb at f2.0 (open).
@Vitaliy_Kiselev I voice my opinion about a product I've used and it get's edited or pulled, yet you let this crap go on for days? Really?
@Muntus wins the internets today.
even worse... :-)
You still don't get it -but we're used to it by now-, no one bragged, we were talking about "learning", and you (mis) quoted Socrates, next time at least understand what you are trying to quote :) (btw, having 2-3 degrees is considered pretty normal in other countries/cultures, while in the US they've managed to convince you that education is a luxury)
Anyway, if you were a serious -and respectful- individual you could ask through pm, and I could provide you with my Linkedin profile, since you're that intrigued. But you are just acting like a 4yr old, and the rest of us like 5 yr olds :)
Your cognitive issues and logical leaps are fascinating though -especially considering the fact that you are older than 20-, I'll give you that.
LOL, +1 @muntus
edit: and many apologies to DSO for my contributions to derailing this thread.
“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” Mark Twain
Maybe he's a robot. He shows a repeated pattern of not recognizing humor, or satire. All attempts to interpret subtext or meaning when he at least recognizes that something isn't simply face value have been not just wrong but spectacularly wrong. Maybe he's actually some that's in open beta or something.
@jpbturbo I never said I was perfect.
BurnetRhoades is doing this to get a response. I even said I misunderstood the product initially and jumps back in with a meme.
He is doing this on purpose. I can say "buy the product; I don't care" and someone will inevitably turn around and post some meme. I am proposing skepticism for a product whose purpose is highly subjective and no-one will put into laymen's terms why it is absolutely necessary.
So I'll leave it here. And someone will call me stupid, or handicapped, or whatever else you want. And you know what @BurnetRhoades, you should feel sorry.
@photoman because you are acting like an idiot.
You continually misunderstand what someone says and then jump down their throat for it.
Then, when corrected, you act like its no big deal and everyone else is too uptight.
@photoman no really, you read it again.
Unless you were implying that using two words in Spanish was racist?
Your reading comprehension is again failing you.
On the vimeo page they go on to describe the difference in the color of the flare that is present while the overall lens does not have as strong a color cast as would be expected due to the intensity of the flare.
@jpbturbo Whatever. If he's so apologetic why does he continue with further insults?
@photoman, that wasn't a racial slur, he said black ball.
@BurnetRhoades You're lecturing me about aggressive ignorance after you flung racial slurs?
@photoman I edited it because it wasn't necessary. I felt like I was abusing someone handicapped and a little sorry for you. But I don't now. Well, no, that's not true. I do still feel sorry for you. It just won't influence any future response to your aggressive ignorance.
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