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2K BlackMagic Pocket Cinema Camera, active m43, $995
  • 4493 Replies sorted by
  • @vicharris Interesting point re Pocket having "zero sharpening". Do you know if GH2 (with fully manual non-electronically connected vintage glass) does "zero" sharpening when set at -2...or is -2 just the lowest amount of sharpening, but it's still some level of sharpening occuring in camera? Guess it's better to do it in post for max control.

  • @Vesku I'll answer the soft footage question. This camera provides zero in camera sharpening. So you can say it "shoots soft". I for one like it and kind of tired of seeing razor sharp footage that can cut me through the screen :) In a few things I've shot I didn't raise the sharpening too much. It's a little pleasing to me. You can actually go pretty crazy in resolve if you want without problems, shooting raw of course. Just used the pocket with SLRs new 12mm on another feature and might be using it again as a Bcam next week for some splinter unit stuff. When I get permission, I'll release some stills and sharpen the shit out of em :) It'll be nice to show some still from a professional lit set by a DP and Gaffers. BTW, the stuff I shot with the 2.5k looks f#@*ing awesome!

  • I think many people over work the correction in post, personally I have achieved really pleasing natural colours by exposing with care and then just opening my RAW footage in Da Vinci Resolve Lite v10 and saving in an appropriate delivery format, no LUTs no colour correction.

    Here is a test I shot under awkward natural lighting last weekend, please ignore the dodgie camera work, the sound is from the internal mics on the camera.

    Password = banks

  • I have watched many BMPCC raw footages introduced here and elsewhere and I have been wondering why there is often a cyan/brown color cast. I know that with raw one can color correct and get whatever color but I rarely see pure, natural and neutral colors in BMPCC clips. There are cyan shades in sky and shadows and brownish blacks. With non raw cameras and auto white balance result is often more "right" or neutral. And there are lots of CA and soft clips. BMPCC can shoot very good results but is it hard get "perfect" colors and results? I dont have BMPCC because it wont do 60P and the workload is too difficult to me. Am I wrong, my displays may have bad calibration. Have you noticed same things than I have?

  • I'm using my BMPCC every day here in Trinidad in 30 degree C heat, and it hasn't skipped a beat. In summer, I used my BMCC in Austria in temperatures in the early 40s, and again no problems whatsoever. In both cases I am using a cage, which I think helps heat dissipation.

  • So now you get the Movcam! :)

    We have ALL of good makers BMPCC cages. Took some time and talks, but it happened.

  • So now you get the Movcam! :)

  • We have Black Magic Pocket Camera rigs/cages day today with all good cages from all four top manufacturers :-) at

    And, as usual, at best terms.

  • Well, my Pocket justa arrived and I´m impressed how hot it gets. At least we can fry an egg into the wild ;o)

  • Doesn't work with 24 or 30 fps either.

  • Well, for one, the Seetec 5.6" is shitty enough not to work. Learned it the hard way…

    Also check Seetec topic. He was known to glitch sometimes with PAL rates, it were cured by some buttons magic.

  • it generates heat regardless if recording or not. I have no issues with it, hasn't shut down on me yet. It doesn't get unbearable to the point that I cannot hold it. maybe i have asbestos hands lol.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    Well, for one, the Seetec 5.6" is shitty enough not to work. Learned it the hard way…

    But the H056 should work, since it looks identical to the one I found for my BMPCC now.

  • I can definitely confirm the Pocket Cam get's hot just being on with the lens cap on with a black screen vs recording. It looks like they're using the metal body as part of the heat sink to try and keep it cool. It definitely seems you need a cage or grip just to be able to hand hold it for any length of time and the active cooling is what's making the batteries wear out fast.

    I ordered this plus some NP-F batts yesterday so hopefully that will be a nice low cost power supply for the moment.

    Now I just need a cheap cage and cheap monitor. I tried plugging it into my old Dynex 42" HDTV and it got a weird flicker a the bottom that wouldn't go away regardless of what fps.

  • Marshall (5.6")V-lcd51 works.

  • Right....I figured most monitors (even low cost) could easily fit the bill. But @Ahbleza's caveat gave me pause. I think he made a good point but it might be moot with most everything out there "these days."

  • HOWEVER, beware that most low cost HDMI monitors won't work because they only do 1080i25/30, while the BMPCC outputs a true 24p, 25p or 30p.

    I do not know how shitty monitor need to be to not support 24p/25p and 30p.

  • @act Cheesycam has confirmed the Aperture 7 inch panel works with the bmpc.

    Hopefully smaller versions will be on the horizon.

    I'm using a SMALLHD dp4 and its great. You can get the panel without the viewfinder for ~$400

  • @act Any sort of EVF or 5" monitor would be a good solution, especially if you use a cage. HOWEVER, beware that most low cost HDMI monitors won't work because they only do 1080i25/30, while the BMPCC outputs a true 24p, 25p or 30p.

  • Last two years I get used articulated screen on GH2, then OMD and I very happy with that screens after two years with 5DmkII+7D, because my movies became more rich of variety angles with upper and lower camera angles. with But now with BMPCC that nightmare goes back, I lost my "point-of-view"... What is your favorite solutions for fast lower and upper foreshortenings?

  • A still from principal photography Day 2 of The Portal Film, starring Charlene Griffith of the hit group 2N'Trigue. Inset is Tony Hall who plays Victor. Written and Directed by Garland Holder.

    I'm using the BlackMagic Pocket Cinema Camera, with the Sigma 18-35mm f1.8 on a SpeedBooster, and the Panasonic LA7200 without corrective diopter.

    This image is a screen shot taken directly from Da Vinci Resolve, without any grading applied (yet.) I'm considering what grading would be appropriate -- what do y'all think?

    1920 x 1080 - 138K
  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev >"Did they made sensor temperature measurements of other cameras? I mean ones with just passive cooling. "

    In 2008 I was at a hands on demo of the Arri D-21. This was basically the front half of an Arri film camera and the back half was a digital sensor and all the electronics. This was v2, v1 was the D-20, v3 is the original Alexa (I believe).

    The German Arri technician was telling us "an interesting fact: the camera must always keep the sensor at 34.9 degrees celcius". It might have been slightly higher, I am not sure anymore. He explained that the camera is always heating the sensor to maintain temperature. So I asked what happens when the camera has to shoot in the desert and the ambient temperature gets above the sensor temp. There was silence, then he said "I don't know". :-) I stumped him!

    Here: it's mentioned in post #2, the silence of the D-21's fan-less cooling. VK, is that what you mean by passive cooling?

  • Tnx @JuMo I'll do a search on proper battery maintenance, I hear such conflicting things.

    My cam also has the internal mic audio issue CheesyCam guy posted about. Sigh...not a deal breaker since it's time I took my external audio capture seriously, but it sucks that I can't get stealth in cam audio or when I'm to lazy to put a mic on.

  • The sensor temperature is essential for image quality. Red used to advise you to re-calibrate the camera under very hot or cold conditions (FPN calibration). Recently they introduced new fans and more refined firmware to keep the temperature as constant as possible.