Entry level Canon mirrorless camera.
Four versions. But single, proper one, color - pink, still absent.
New lens as well... the EF-M 22mm f/2 STM pancake lens!
Previews and reviews:
I was impressed by the Eos M. The camera itself with the three dedicated lenses is already capable of producing great results and it’s a pity Canon decided to provide only these three lenses. It’s even worse that the prime lenses lineup is not a lineup, there’s only the 22mm F2.0 that showed to be a great perfomer.
Despite all of that the M system is already enough to cover many shooting conditions with a small and inexpensive package.
I just got my EOS M (I'm awaiting a lens adapter to use some of my camera lenses - Canon FD 50mm, M42 and Minolta MD 50mm), and I wanted to know something about the HDMI out: Will it be possible for me to use a LCD monitor - something like a Liliput or the SmallHD monitor, or will it just be used for something like a regular flat screen TV or computer?
Epic fail for Canon, but interesting that the Olly outperforms the GM1. If only Olympus had decent video....... M2 would be a great cam if they used their high end sensor.
Interview with Makoto-San.
It seems like EOS M will live and model with EVF will be available later.
Thanks Vitaley!
Low light is one area where RAW on the EOS-M really shines. Low light. Audio is only for atmosphere. Didn't bother to try to sync it.
Here is EOS-M RAW Aspect 2.35:1 Resolution 1472x626
Here's where I use RAW and some ImageMagick to show pre de-bayered video
People read too much into where cameras are released. You can't find Panasonic GF or GH cameras at BestBuy in the U.S. Sony and Olympus seem want the U.S. retail mirror-less market. Canon will sell these cameras where they'll either make money, or not lose it.
The GOOD NEWS is that Canon hasn't given up on the EOS-M platform. The RAW you can get out of the EOS-M is excellent at 720p. Canon could certainly modify this camera, in the future, to output 720p 24fps, or, in video terms, 4:4:4 quality. ML already does it though the hack isn't completely stable and the post-processing a bit difficult.
I might as well post here a link to my EOS-M RAW shooter's guide
I also created a C# program, which another dev, Joe Jungmann, made super-fast, that interopolates around the focus pixels.
If you're on a budget, have the time, and don't live in the U.S. (so you can get the 11-22mm STM lens), the EOS-M with Magic Lantern, will provide amazing film-like 720p video.
It seems like it was ready long time ago and they wanted to announce it. But in the end management looked at sales of original M and decided to sell only in Japan in small amounts.
Bummer. Was hoping for a miracle and got wifi instead.
Canon EOS M2 announced in Japan
Almost same camera. Main improvements are better AF speed and Wi-Fi.
It makes perfect sense to me. I've owned a ton of cameras and the EOS-M is a gem. Small. Metal. Manual exposure. Mic in. Magic Lantern. Lens choices. The only thing I would add is a viewfinder for my old eyes. With a viewfinder I believe more people would buy it over the SL1, especially with the new hybrid autofocus (which I assume they'll continue to iprove).
Looks pretty funny.
EOS-M2 (mockup?)
Science Museum Video
Uses Neutral and Standard Picture Styles depending on the scene. 35mm f2.0 IS STM and 18-55mm IS STM lenses used.
A "Walk in the Woods" video that is not dull, even after "grading," (like those posted in the GH3 forum):
I looked for color in the woods, and there was sun. This video was not graded in post, but in-camera settings were made to match what I saw with my eyes - color!
A nice overview about EOS-M setup and usage for interviews.
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