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The Art of Editing in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
  • A shot-by-shot investigation of the three-way standoff at the climax of Sergio Leone's The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, revealing mathematical patterns, images of thought, and pure musical rhythm. A video essay by Max Tohline, 2013.

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  • At the opposite end of the scale from Sergio Leone is Chaos Cinema, from 2011:

    The Chaos Cinema system requires less precision during production than the classical method of blocking and shooting action. It farms out stunt-and-fight-heavy scenes to second units that are mainly concerned with efficiency and thoroughness and collects as much footage as possible from as many angles as possible, thus letting directors defer a good number of choices until later, when the film is being edited.

  • Great stuff, I saw on Cinephelia, definitely worth posting here.