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"Pipe Dream" pitch trailer needs feedback (Shot on GH3)
  • Hi guys, we have a week left to make any changes before we go to Cannes. We have decided to make a pitch/teaser/trailer/thingy for our feature film idea. This is it....

    We would love to get as much feedback as possible on editing, camera work and story etc.

    It was shot on the GH3 with the Nokton 17.5mm and 25mm lens.


  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • Killer job. I liked it, I would lose the Girl Scout scene or whatever. Make it more about the cop cracking down on weed. If you reshoot the scenes use something better for the weed you can buy non thc containing buds online in huge quanitys for cheap. Just check your local laws before purchasing.

  • @endotoxic I think the same, image is no solid enough, you have to color grade lot more. also you should focus more on the general idea and less on how to tell it. Thats the point of the trailer.

    In spite of that, love the look of the gh3, very nice DR, and it's a funny story. Keep the good work.

  • @endotoxic Thanks for the feedback

  • It needs heavy color grading. Too long cut, many shots on trailer are a no need, some funny parts. Composition and lack of lens are not balanced with overral look on scenes.