Thanks guys for the kind words and for testing this,
@aljimenez yep, this is another way to have the "java UDPServer" working, if you change the PATH like I explained in the first post, you will be able to run java without entering its complete path, so instead of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java" UDPServer you could just type java UDPServer.
About the video preview during recording, as ou say it's impossible, but at least you can change the settings (focus, zoom, aperture ...). Maybe Panasonic will unlock this in a future firmware
About accessing the pictures files stored on the GH3, I would prefer that someone else takes care of it...
@disordinary I think creating an UDP socket (which is needed in our case) with a pure web solution is tricky, WebRTC needs RTP, which GH3 doesn't use.
@maxr thanks for testing this on a MAC, it would be cool if you could try the live view, what you basically need is to launch java UDPServer from a terminal (for java installation look here :, you can look here to see how to do it :
I forgot to add the raw quality, I will update this in the next version, but you can add it yourself adding this line : < OPTION VALUE="raw" >raw < /OPTION > at line 293 of the requests.html file
@lenuisible Man, you better put this in your portfolio. It's incredible how much you've done in so little time!
First I have -100 knowledge in java and such and right now my head's kind of tired.
So, though I read the PATH stuff, I wasn't able to set the live view. Other than that EVERYTHING'S WORKING smoothly in a mac OS 10.6.8 The interface is changed a bit, bigger (we still can't select raw alone in Picture Quality ;), I tested pancake 20mm and 14-140, all good. The slow focusing tabs are super nice, totally useful for a rack focus of some kind. BTW didn't experience any of the previous (version) black outs. Way to go!!!
hope you get aid/collaboration to see make all this work you're having something even nicer :D
I think WebRTC fails over to UDP - could be possible to run the video native in the latest browsers.
Awesome @lenuisible I got it working in my Windows 7 pc. For a guy who is not much of a programmer you are making incredible progress. It took me awhile to figure out the Live View. Here's what I did. Start a Command prompt window and cd to the folder where all the WebBrowser files are located. While there, then run
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java" UDPServer
This then starts a java window that will display what the camera sees once Start Stream is clicked. Unfortunatetly, no video preview while recording. I also have not been able to see what files have been stored in the camera yet. Stopping video using Playmode, appears to work, so your work is already providing new functionality not in the LUMIX link app. This work is starting to pay off and I hope someone with more knowledge and time than me can join you in continuing to make progress with this awesome work... Al
v0.4 is out. a Java player has been added for live view ! Read the first post to test it.
It should work fine on a Windows PC, I'm interested to hear from people trying it on other OS.
Indeed very interesting research, thank you! I'll be following this as well especially for timelapse purposes. In addition to what has been mentioned previously, this could eventually allow for remote timelapse camera installations that are controllable over long distance (for example by routing through a mobile 3G device).
And assuming Panasonic will use similar network software in future cameras, this has great potential.
If it matters, I'd be willing to pay for a developed tool like this as well. But this also has potential in current form as web page app, so anyone with some scripting skills could try and make own control functions for specific needs.
In any case, your work is appreciated!
When I get my GH3 I will see what I can do to help - the main benefit I see for this is to add a control panel for a camera that is rigged and might be difficult to access the touch screen - or for a camera assistant.
Just need to mount an old tablet or smart phone and you get a full control panel.
Also good if the camera is up on a jib arm, or on a steady cam, etc.
Just tested the latest version. Its a great start and I would love to see it become a full fledged app with full control.
With that said, is there currently any other way to controlling GH3 via Windows tablet?
Great stuff. I will definitely try this out.
V0.3 is out
End users post (the 1st), and technical post (the 3rd) have been rewritten.
If you read the technical post, you will know as much as I do about this topic.
It had been posted on the GH3 wireless topic.
I'm gone right an update tonight if I have the time, I made some progress identifying the format used for the video stream.
@electonic thanks for proposing your help, what's your domain of expertise ? We're gone need a dev that can write some code to receive and dissect an UDP stream. I don't think we can do that only with Javascript...
It had been posted, if I reemember properly.
@lenuisible @Vitaliy_Kiselev Would it be a good idea to post this topic in the oficial GH3 topic? I think that would increase its popularity.
Wow. Awesome find. Downloaded and will have a look at it. What exactly would people need / like to see and in what form? Would like to hear from you guys. Maybe I can help.
Bravo, @lenuisible keep working on this please, I'm following the topic now (didn't see it at first)
BTW I recommend you to root your android, it has very many advantages.... about as much as hacked GHx vs stock ;-)
At least this require removal of fixed IP from all forms action.
And addition of JavaScript that discover camera address and set it.
This is AMAZING. Keep up the good work. I don't have a GH3, but I can see this getting very popular, Congratulations on your great Idea and already working Software! :)
Great work!!! I havent had time to play with this but I am very very intrested! If it is possible to add all functionality what Lumix Link has this is very BIG for my workflow. I am a mainly mac user and sending pictures from GH3 to mac is not working. With Lumix Link its possible to sent camera->phone. Maybe with this from camera->mac and also use camera remotely... :) I am also willing to pay for this kind of app... I see also possibilities that we have been able only to dream about... Thanks for your work!
@lenuisible WOW MAN!!! it really works and you made it ridiculously easy to set up, THANKS, really!!!
as you said no preview and screen blacking out quite often, but from focus to shutter, iris, wb (temp too), ISO, etc, etc, ALL WORKING :D the only thing I saw is you cannot come back to "raw" quality alone; if you change the "picture quality" you're stuck with jpeg or raw+jpeg. just me nitpicking.
thanks once again lenuisible, these are great first steps to another dimension, ja ja ja
@lenuisible Great work..! I'll try it tomorrow morning. windsurf.
@all v0.2 is out !
@aljimenez it should be more stable, to properly end the connection, use the terminate command on the GH3.
I just tried it and it works great! This is so cool! I did hang the GH3 initially, screen froze and had to take out the battery. Not sure what it was that I did. Once I turned it back on and tried again, it worked perfectly... Al Edit: Some handshaking to end the browser control must be needed, either that or I don't know how to terminate the control without a frozen WiFi connection that requires battery removal to recover.
It is very interesting and very important research.
First, some undocumented commands must exist.
Second, it is natural way to help with some reversing later.
I have interest in this as im a blackberry user and the lumix app appears to only be for apple or android.
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