Selling an Eiki 16f (43mm rear element) anamorphic and vidatlantic clamp and front and rear caps. Lens was new and used once literally! Will also include a rare 58mm front ring adaptor so you can strap on diopters/filters etc. Pictures on request.
What is the widest taking lens i could use with this on GH1 or 7D without vignetting ? What is the fastest aperture i could shoot with it trouble free ( vignetting, blurred edges, distortions of any kind, ... ) ?
@010101, not sure if this generalizes to all 43mm 2x anamorphics, but my Kowa 16-D will cover the sensor with a 50mm on the GH1. On 7D it requires something between 50mm and 85mm, and on full frame 85mm is about the minimum. As for apertures, if you nail the dual focus (not always easy) you can have sharp results at f/1.4 depending on your taking lens.