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GH2: ExTele check disable to get ETC and HDMI out?
  • Disclaimer: Tried finding an old topic about this but couldn't find it. If it's there, please excuse me for starting a new one and link to the topic.

    I like using my camera with a B4 lens and exTele mode set to on. Now I want to use this with my HDMI viewfinder and I remember this used to be possible with the first firmware version. I couldn't find it anywhere in the new one, so I loaded the firmware v1.0 into Ptool 3.65d and checked the 'ExTele check disable' box in the patches for testers. Now, when I connect my GH2 to the HDMI monitor the ITC gets disabled, but when I hit record, it will go back to ETC mode. Unfortunately the camera locks up and the only way to solve this is to remove the battery.

    My questions:

    • What can I do to prevent the from locking up. I thought this patch was pretty reliable? I also tried it with Ptool 3.63d and no other patches but the Extele check disable patch, but still the same problem. I want to record in 1080i50 FSH mode.
    • I remember it would stay in ETC mode also with live view, but can't remember how I did it. Any tips?
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  • I found this topic:

    I am very interested by HDMi output with ETC mode. I tried to find something and the only point that I found is that this was tested only with Ptool 3.60 and it was very unstable. I wasn't able to find a copy of Ptool 3.60 so I can't try to use the Extele patch (sorry for my english)

    Here is an another answer: misterhu July 2011 @ alcomposer: ExTele Mode works in HDMI mode and I tested some different patches and bitrate up to 65mb/s but the difference between the live mode and the record mode is always the same. (see also page 3)