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  • 89 Replies sorted by
  • awesome discussion. I wish I had more time to be able to read Marx. But generally speaking I think Vitaly is right. There's no alternative to socialism if we are not going to arrange some little Armageddon to solve the unsolvable problems of capitalist "dog-eat-dog" society.
  • @johnnym

    I am ok to debate about politics until it is educational.
    Your last post is clearly not educational :-).
    I can be wrong in any points, of course, but try to look cruicial to ideas you present here.

    I already provided you many points why this ideas are unrealistic.
    And this is why I provided such funny analogy.
    I really like economic theoretics, fun to read, but most of the time they are dangerous :-)

    >Define globalization?

    Do you really need this?

    "Did you read his book that you know it's unrealistic? :) Define globalization?
    How can GDP growth be bad if people get better living conditions (except if it's not sustainable but that's another matter)? "

    All this things could be translated more like "are you an idiot or insane? prove it wrong." :-)
    I am ok to discuss it in detail if you'll take few countries from Han Rosling report and prove that his ideas was right looking at local data and at UN numbers, talking to people.
    I also had been pleased by his presentation skills, but it do not make his target right.
  • >So, comparison is very good. As it shows how unreal and idealistic is whole idea.

    Which organism will be dead then? And why is Roberton's idea unrealistic?
    Did you read his book that you know it's unrealistic? :)

    >His statistics do not prove his theory, but he makes all possible tricks to make us believe in it :-)

    Define globalization?
    How can GDP growth be bad if people get better living conditions (except if it's not sustainable but that's another matter)?
  • >Which reality is that?

    Our reality :-)
    Idea his is defending is simple - globalization is good, may be best thing ever invented.
    His statistics do not prove his theory, but he makes all possible tricks to make us believe in it :-)

    >I don't understand this comparison to fractional reserve lending, sorry.

    Robertson idea was using central bank to lend money.
    So, comparison is very good.
    As it shows how unreal and idealistic is whole idea.
    Especially coupled with your idea of "voting for it".
  • >Refused? They just never had such intention :-) And goverment know it.
    In the crysys of gigantic proportions they want to save core functions. This is why they cut credits and accumulate money.

    Very true :)

    >Rosling idea is flawed and he choosed carefully selected statistics (with unknown origins, as UN do not provide sources of actual data) and good presentation style to make us believe in it.
    Reality proves him wrong (despite that his main idea is covered by tons of truth).

    Which reality is that?

    >Let me explain. You propose to make autopsy on living organism. Remove 90% of blood vessels and replace them with free market where you could get blood from heart directly. :-) After this you propose that most cells will make it as new, completely free socium, despite organism will be dead.

    I don't understand this comparison to fractional reserve lending, sorry.
  • >Why not create more money then? The government did supply money but to the banks, which refused to inject it in the economy (lend it out).

    Refused? They just never had such intention :-) And goverment know it.
    In the crysys of gigantic proportions they want to save core functions. This is why they cut credits and accumulate money.

    >Where can i find this information that Rosling's stats are flawed (he used UN data)?

    Rosling idea is flawed and he choosed carefully selected statistics (with unknown origins, as UN do not provide sources of actual data) and good presentation style to make us believe in it.
    Reality proves him wrong (despite that his main idea is covered by tons of truth).

    >But like Marx they're also 150 years old, so i hope economic theory has improved upon them a little since

    Ideas are the same. This is not computer chips :-)
    As far as I know Austrians had been almost alone who correctly predicted 2008 and actuall described that'll happen afterwards.

    >But i get the impression you don't see much benefit in it, or do you?

    Let me explain. You propose to make autopsy on living organism. Remove 90% of blood vessels and replace them with free market where you could get blood from heart directly. :-) After this you propose that most cells will make it as new, completely free socium, despite organism will be dead.

  • >I suggest you to read something produced by Austrian economic school.
    Their main idea that central banks stand behind most problems.
    And they have many valid arguments :-)

    Yes, they are the basis of Robertson, Friedman, etc. But like Marx they're also 150 years old, so i hope economic theory has improved upon them a little since (it would be sad if it didn't) :)

    The end of fractional reserve lending isn't the solution to all problems. But it will be a big step towards the redistribution of wealth. But i get the impression you don't see much benefit in it, or do you?
  • >I really hope that you do not seriously take his visually appealing presentations.
    Their whole goal was to show how good is globalization. As his whole center is financed for exactly this.

    Where can i find this information that Rosling's stats are flawed (he used UN data)?

    >I think that you contradict yourself here. If they produce useful services and goods why they need this volumes that "banks cut off the money supply" of. And why it is bad for them to "buy up real estate at bottom-dollar"? Something is wrong in your logic.

    I don't think so. But maybe i can put it another way : if banks after the crisis refuse to lend to businesses, people lose their jobs. Is a business that needs to lend useless per se? No. Is a person that loses his job through contracting liquidity (cutting off money supply) useless per se in his work? No.
    Is there too little money to keep the economy going? Yes. Why not create more money then? The government did supply money but to the banks, which refused to inject it in the economy (lend it out).
    This tells us that banks shouldn't be allowed control of the money supply, if we don't want global liquidity problems. (and we shouldn't pay interest either on money that is always created from nothing)

    >Are you really belive in this? They are not hiding. I do not see any secrets and same order had need in every country since thousands of years ago. You have elite who get power and rest of crowd who get idealistic idea to sometimes "vote against all this". You can't vote against this :-)

    I don't propose conspiracy theories here. I mean (by secretely buying their way into policy making) lobbying (common practice in USA), bribing (recent EU scandal), ...
  • @johnnym

    I suggest you to read something produced by Austrian economic school.
    Their main idea that central banks stand behind most problems.
    And they have many valid arguments :-)
  • >Then why do you contradict it with Marx, who basically says the same things (system that benefits only a few)?

    I don't understand "basically says the same things". You can tell same way that everyone says same things :-)
    Marx showed that problems are much deeper than banks profits. In fact, commercial banks had been proposed as cure to real problems. And this worked for quite a time.

    >Food? yes. Housing? yes

    :-) I really wanted this to be so. But it is not.

    >Hans Rosling's stat analysis on TED, based on UN stats.

    I really hope that you do not seriously take his visually appealing presentations.
    Their whole goal was to show how good is globalization. As his whole center is financed for exactly this.

    >Most of those people were providing goods and services, until banks cut off the money supply and put the economy in a depression to buy up real estate at bottom-dollar.

    I think that you contradict yourself here. If they produce useful services and goods why they need this volumes that "banks cut off the money supply" of. And why it is bad for them to "buy up real estate at bottom-dollar"?
    Something is wrong in your logic.

    >Owners of 80% of the resources are less than 1% of the population. In a democratic process their voice is irrelevant.

    Again, I like this idealistic approach.

    >They have always secretely bought their way into policy making

    Are you really belive in this? They are not hiding. I do not see any secrets and same order had need in every country since thousands of years ago. You have elite who get power and rest of crowd who get idealistic idea to sometimes "vote against all this". You can't vote against this :-)
  • >Approach you are reffering to is known widely and is not exclusive to Robertson :-)

    Then why do you contradict it with Marx, who basically says the same things (system that benefits only a few)?

    > Are you sure about this?

    Food? yes. Housing? yes. Cars? No, but not everyone needs a car. Look at Hans Rosling's stat analysis on TED, based on UN stats. Only concern is about environmental sustainability (which will hopefully be solved by nuclear fusion to replace fission), not about GDP growth.

    > Generally this is system becoming more and more effective. As you can't provide big house to people who do not privide any useful products or services to system in return.

    Most of those people were providing goods and services, until banks cut off the money supply and put the economy in a depression to buy up real estate at bottom-dollar.

    >So, you suggest that owners of about 80% of money and resources will give to others because someone voted so?

    Owners of 80% of the resources are less than 1% of the population. In a democratic process their voice is irrelevant. They have always secretely bought their way into policy making, but that will no longer be possible when enough people recognize this and vote against policy makers that don't defend the middle class' rights and needs. I expect more people to stand up against this system, because of survival : things are so bad right now that most people just don't accept this inequality anymore. True there is misinformation, but there is also more and more correct information through internet, which is not entirely controlled. I have faith that common sense will prevail.
  • One important thing happenign after you remove credit from commercial banks is that you need to make someone responsibe for project results (returning money, etc). And I do not know working solutions here.
  • I think you're both right to some degree. You would both be right and in agreement if VK would change:

    "You can't remove this construction without blood."


    "They won't remove this construction without blood."


    Which is correct and the basis for all of the wars in the past 12 years - without question. Libya is a perfect example. Libya changed up... Nationalizing their oil and refusing central banking. Result? Well, you're seeing it. ;) Blood!
  • >The fact that someone points you to a good resource of information, and you baselessly refute it (by naming it a liberal heaven without having read the text) :)

    Approach you are reffering to is known widely and is not exclusive to Robertson :-)

    > if in essence there's plenty for everyone

    Are you sure about this?

    > Are there enough houses for everyone in America? Yes, more than enough. But a large percentage of houses is foreclosed. This is inefficient distribution of wealth.

    Generally this is system becoming more and more effective.
    As you can't provide big house to people who do not privide any useful products or services to system in return.
    This is exactly that is happening. And will be happening in other sectors also.

    >they will understand and vote against this system

    I really like your idealistic approach.
    So, you suggest that owners of about 80% of money and resources will give to others because someone voted so (I even do not go to details how such voting could happen, suppose this fantasy became true) ?
  • I see this trend yes, in the Arab world, in the USA, to a lesser extent in Europe (we're kind of boring). But maybe you live in another world? The fact that someone points you to a good resource of information, and you baselessly refute it (by naming it a liberal heaven without having read the text), may contribute to some extent to your not getting the right information? :)

    Why would concurrency over food and resources create hell, if in essence there's plenty for everyone? Of course, it would have to be rightly distributed. If you create scarcity by manipulating the money supply, so that there is no intermediary to move resources and the whole global economy comes to a halt, then that is another problem. Are there enough houses for everyone in America? Yes, more than enough. But a large percentage of houses is foreclosed. This is inefficient distribution of wealth. Same with food. If we keep destroying food in the western world to artificially raise prices, then of course some parts of the world keep having hunger.

    These are all quite simple things. The fact that they have not reversed yet, doesn't mean they will never be. In fact they will be because this system only benefits a small minority, and people have become smarter and more cautious for misinformation since 9/11 and in the end they will understand and vote against this system.
    But it will take some more years yes to see more change. Of course.
  • >Secondly, information has never been so public.

    Are you sure about this?
    I do not see any trend of opening information.
    Information is the power and always will be.

    I am talking with many young people each year. And I can clearly say that things you are hoping (understanding) are not happening, in fact, exact opposite is happening.

    And yes, you describe liberal heaven. Premise of this is that if you give people some freedom (I do not know that this means in such context), money and ability to do something useful they'll do it. They won't.
    Nature is about concurrency, For food, resources and ability to have offsprings. So, liberal heaven you describe will turn to liberal hell in no time.
  • I think times have changed. People of nations could be motivated to go to war over silly ideals. Not so anymore after Iraq.
    Secondly, information has never been so public. Only, people need to understand it. This will take some time. Most people don't understand how the system works yet, but that will come.
    I know the current system will try to survive, yes. But that system is based on keeping its ways secret, and this is not possible anymore. The system that benefits few will be outvoted by the democratic system, present in the majority of countries nowadays.

    Do yourself a favour if you like Marx : read the books by Robertson from the link above. You will be pleasantly surprised. They are not descriptions of a liberal heaven. They are entirely based on common sense. The very same common sense you find in Marx. Roberton's monetary reform even allows for issuing money by giving people money (just because you exist!), if the government wishes to do so. That's something we haven't seen since the fall of the Berlin wall and it certainly would have appealed to Marx! But unlike communism it doesn't take away the incentive for people to be creative, because you can make money by doing so.
  • :-)
    I think that you need to go to the roots - read Marx.
    You are describing some liberal heaven.
    I am talking about reality. And in reality every complex system is trying to survive.
    And bank system is essential tor about 99% of richest people, owners of medium to large firms.
    This is why you can't change it without blood.
  • Yes, you can. Read Robertson. His books are free :

    Free-market capitalism itself is not the cause here. The cause is that the current banking system has a monopoly in creating new money (or at least 90% of it). That advantage makes that banks reap giant profits (by charging interest on money they don't have). Take this advantage away, and the market is free again for real competition in the financial sector. :) Then the people can issue their own debt-free money, and create wealth (by growing GDP) that is not taken away by the unjust banking system. That way there is much more room for creating a moral and social society with equal rights. Now the growth in GDP goes directly to banks for paying interest. Then it will not, and the government will finally have funds to support whole of society, including poor people, and society itself will become richer, where now only banks become richer, and we all become poorer (by paying extortionate taxes for paying the national debt's interest and by inflation created by huge numbers in QE and government spending).
  • >The point is that creating money should be debt-free (why would it not be?), instead of letting banks do it and then pay interest on it.

    Problems is that in capitalism it is impossible.
    As you need banks not only as debt creators. But as place saving money obtained by the top. And to lend money to the poor, so top will become even richer.
    You can't remove this construction without blood.
  • Expanding the money supply won't solve the debt problem, if the new money you issue is created as debt :) Money is always made from nothing. Except that most countries have accepted that some people (read bank owners) have the right to create it, and ask interest for creating this money ex nihilo. This is of course not fair, and creates huge inequity within society.
    The point is that creating money should be debt-free (why would it not be?) Instead of letting banks do it and then pay interest on it, the right to issue money should only be with the people.
  • >That's why the system cannot repay the "debt", because most of the "debt" is created by "subsidizing" banks (called fractional reserve lending).

    Fractional reserve leads to making money from nothing. But this works in normal situation only.
    In normal situation 1 dollar of new debt must produce more than 1 dollar in GDP.
    Problem is that new debt effectiveness becomes less and less, so today you need from 10 to 25 dollars of new debt to make 1 dollar of GDP.
    This is why you see so huge numbers in QE and QE2 programs.
  • Vitaliy is right. The system is designed to have banks own the world. That's why the system cannot repay the "debt", because most of the "debt" is created by "subsidizing" banks (called fractional reserve lending).
    In a debt-free money system this would not have been allowed to happen. Or as you can read in James Robertson's Creating New Money, p26 : "it will mean that governments will no longer borrow and pay interest on money from the banks, which they have allowed the banks to print for the purpose of lending it to them."
  • >From whom? The producers. So the world full of debtors and creditors. I think the system will collapse when the "Greed" trend begins fading. But there's no sign of it.

    Generally, your credit is not from producers. It is easy to check comparing GDP and credit amounts in last 40 years.
    And credit is fading already for quite a time.


    Red line is credit :-) Green - deposits.
    So, something happened with greed. And this thing is called fear.
    System can not repay the debt (previous generations tried to do this in much better situation, as result we have bank system owning most of the resources and firms). So, oens who feels better want to repay it.
    They started thinking in reverse to normal trend (more credit gives you competitive advantage).
    740 x 486 - 24K
  • "We look on past ages with condescension, as a mere preparation for us. But what if we are only the afterglow of them?"

    J.G. Farrell
    "The Siege Of Krishnapur"