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Bittorrent Live for broadcasting
  • For anyone with mobile video or webcams, for anyone in the moment, on the ground, or on the front lines; for everyone with the need to break news or break it down in real time: BitTorrent Live is now open. Get involved.

    BitTorrent Live is a peer-to-peer live streaming protocol. It’s based on the principles of the BitTorrent protocol. And it’s designed to make real-time reporting, and open expression accessible to all. BitTorrent Live eliminates bandwidth, cost, and infrastructure as broadcast barriers. The more people that tune in, the more resilient your stream.


  • 1 Reply sorted by
  • First SoShare, now Live... BitTorrent Inc sure isn't sitting still! I wonder what their business model is. Certainly hope they won't cripple/limit these free services once they're out of beta, then push payed services.