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US: Stability is almost here
  • 30 Replies sorted by
  • @vicharris

    I'll tell you one thing. Monkeys are usally pretty good on saving their ass. Trained by millions years of evolution. No one will use guns agains goverment, but just ot get some food (from other monkey) and shot someone who want to get your own food and life.

  • I'll have to say not so much. The head of the NRA just 4 years ago said he thought everyone who purchased a gun or rifle in the US should have a complete and thorough background check and was on board for gun reform. He sat in from of congress and gave a testimony on such and for no reason explained, completely disagrees with this policy change now. He's causing an unnecessary commotion amongst people right now. Why did he want one then but not now? Hmmmm. Can you say gun lobbyists.

    And this whole notion that Americans need to arm themselves against the government if they should ever need to overthrow it? Are you f%#$ing kidding me? These people live in such a delusion that if the government ever wanted to take over, Americans armed with guns and rifles couldn't do shit. That train of thought is hundreds of years old and such a mute point today. The government could just make you disappear on paper and in the banking system and millions of of us would be screwed.

    And remember, this is coming from a guy that spent 8 years in the US Army Airborne and I loved blowing shit up but I also don't live in a world of delusion like I might even say 75% of the US population does.

  • Thanks a lot crazy right wing conspiracy people.

    And also normal left wing conservative people.

  • Wow, that's a lovely increase over the past 5 months. Thanks a lot crazy right wing conspiracy people.