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Official Panasonic GH3 topic, series 3
  • 1137 Replies sorted by
  • @joethepro thank you for the information, I also use multiple blend with soft or linear light for lifting midtones but you have some interesting moves in contrast and color direction of highlights and shadows, nice smooth vignette :)

  • @starios Thanks! How did you maintain such clean video after raising the shadows on the girl? Did you use neat video?

  • Is there any way to keep the camera from changing aspect ratio when in portrait orientation? I dont like how it changes, Id like to keep the extra pixels and do my own cropping, or have the option to enable it!

  • @joethepro yes, I used neat video but took me much time cause the best way I think I discovered to use neat video keeping maximum detail is by splitting the video in three layers, RG and B , use separately in each layer neat, all amounts at maximum, then combine again the layers with screen blend. It is very interesting but needs very high graphic card :)

  • I shot this small video during a short trip in Normandy.

  • Any news about the hack @Vitaliy_Kiselev ???

  • Some more grading practice with Resolve 11. Ive been shooting with contrast at -3 and I feel the overall image is more pleasing and grades to a final look better than -5, and I do not feel there is any loss of usable detail at the extremes.

    Vimeo/Youtube lowers the contrast of the video when uploaded for some reason. Must be changing the video levels. Annoying as shit.

  • @joethepro just WOW!!!
    ***** sound & grade ,-)

  • Thank you, @maxr. The bulk of the look here is exposure correction, and shooting to preserve all highlights (within reason). I did other grading as well, but that was most of it. Reducing the overall final contrast of the image slightly with the curves max and min values goes a long way to make a look like this. Bring them to something like 16-240 instead of 0-255, and do it so the curve is still linear, not just clipping the extremes. Really softens the extremes and brings out shadow detail. The sound was just a free clip from that I modified.

    You seriously nailed the focus on that fly, good stuff!

  • @joethepro though DRL and I can't get along I do appreciate U sharing your workflow / recipe ,-)

    Actually I developed a pretty similar process inside AE... these days I'm exploring (the still quite beta) Lightworks as I really like the uncluttered display, node/routing concept, the hyper fast render engine (in last test took AE about x10 more to render pretty similar look), the set of inbuilt tools - where there's even an effect called shrink to 16-235 - and the very useful user's FXs. As DRL it is also 4 free. The third pass in the above video is a direct render from Lwks, from there I pushed it a bit more inside AE.

    Hope to see more of this wunder practicing of yours =)

  • I haven't been on this thread for a while, and have since been using a BMPCC but it's really nice to see that people are still using their GH3's to make some amazing stuff. It's crazy how fast cameras 'become obsolete' these days. I use my GH3 all the time and nobody bats an eyelid at the footage. I got a load of compliments for a music video I shot on GH3 ages ago with "Was that a RED camera? Was that a Blackmagic camera?" Nope.

    The skin tones still bother me sometimes but seeing that China video above I feel put to shame!

    VERY excited to hear that there might be a hack after all this time!

  • Hi folks,

    Back with a new test on the GH3. I wanted to see how the camera preserve details in shadows while exposing for highlights. I found that you have to expose for highlights to preserve details and be able to process in post.

    I've also tested Neat Video and FilmConvert associating with Fast color corrector and some curves. It works well but be careful with the banding.

    The quality on vimeo is not reflecting my original in premiere. The H.264 compression is not very good, and the vimeo one... You can download the h.264 from vimeo. If you have a very good and approved tuto on best compression for vimeo ?

    Rest of the details in the vimeo description

  • @JulienMisc Nice shots, I really like the one at 0:16, especially. But wow, you really lifted the black level... alot! Just an artistic decision? I do it a bit as well, but it really lowers the contrast if you push it. Nevertheless, looks good! I also tend to expose for the highlights and lift the shadows, and then neat video the hell out of it. You can get some really good results this way, as Im sure you know. I didnt notice any banding, though I wasnt looking for it.

  • @joethepro Thank you, happy to ear it :-) Yeah I lifted the black level, it's an artistic choice. It's really sad to have tons and tons of rainy day at summer... So everything was grey :-( I find the look very sad, grey and dramatic. It was my feeling!

    For banding and noise (result of neat), you can look at 3:14. I'm not still happy with my settings, so need other tests with other lenses. I just found the Olympus 45mm a little bit hard to handle, in particular for focus pulling. It's an electrical focus ring, so very very long focus distance.

    I see you're Resolve test too, there are good ! Love the grade, pretty nice :-)

  • @joethepro you can also see banding at 1:26 (in the sky)

  • @JulienMisc Why you shoot at 50fps if you are not using slow mo? With 24p ipb you'll get better IQ, more room for larger frames.

  • @x0r0r I use it because I never seen big difference in IQ between 50p and 24/25p. Maybe I need to make more shots to really see the difference. Have you noticed big difference in terms of IQ ?

    For me, the big advantage of the GH3 is his capability to shoot 50 @ 1080p. So when I make tests, I don't have really idea of the edit at the end, I just want to be able to make slowmo if needed :-)

  • @JulienMisc I do the same shooting 50fps because I may need to make slowmo, but in terms of quality ipb is almost the same as all intra but all intra is less compressed and even though it looks the same and for sure noisier than 50mbps or 24 avchd, in post it's much easier for denoisers to work and generally more "raw" for any kind of CC. @x0r0r in europe is difficult to shoot 24p because of flickering, 24 can divide 60hz but not 50 that lights here are.

  • In my early tests, I felt like (if I recall correctly) 30p AVCHD was the less noisier of all settings, specially at higher isos... probably compression "helps" that perception and there's some denoising going on too. Nevertheless personally I set the camera once and now I'm just too lazy to be changing it all the time. Same with color modes; natural -5 -5 -2 -5 =)


    in europe is difficult to shoot 24p because of flickering, 24 can divide 60hz but not 50 that lights here are.

    @starios buddy it seems you're confused, one can perfectly shoot 24p as long as you keep shutter at 50 (aprox 172º shutter angle). Mind you, some lights work at different cycles (Hz) and some don't work at all (candle :P)

    My GH3 is a NTSC model and most of the time I'm shooting 30p at 50 whith artificial uninteligent light.
    Even if outdoors I like better how an aprox 216º shutter angle renders out the 30 or 60p

    If any doubts, see this -



    As @JulienMisc and yourself I shoot 30 or 60p 91.347% of the time, why? Because of interpret footage easy slo-mo and also 'cause I'm moving all the time and can't honestly say I find 24p so suitable for my restlessness :P

    tanti saluti

  • @maxr Any ss 25, 30, 40 or 50 doesn't work at 24fps, there is always flicker, I haven't test yet higher sspeeds but it would be useless cause artificial light means low light most of the time. You are shooting 30p in 60hz, try to shoot 25p, not 24 or 30, 25 in 60hz at any ss and see the results

  • Any ss 25, 30, 40 or 50 doesn't work at 24fps, there is always flicker


    @starios honestly I don't know what are we talking here; how to avoid the banding/flicker by mismatching freq of artificial light and SS or inherent problems of accurate 180º shutter angle in 24p or 24p playback issues or still something else?

  • I said 24fps can divide 60hz but not 50hz that lights here are, from my tests I can shoot only 50 and 25fps in my 50hz pal country I mean there is no way to shoot at 24p at night

  • I have to admit my mistake, nothing wrong with 24, in 60fps there is the big problem, sorry @maxr, I was confused because the only way to shoot in my pal model in 60fps is by using the mode 40% speed that writes 60 and saves 24. But in 60fps, I am sure that the lights in the streets and in my house always flicker.