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Official Panasonic GH3 topic, series 3
  • 1137 Replies sorted by
  • @kellar42 Me too. Although I downloaded the original file and while theres clearly something done wrong in post. the video shows more detail than what ive seen from Canon,nikon and sony cameras. So hmmmmmm...

  • Found this side-by-side ISO comparison night test between the GH2 and GH3.

  • Could someone who has the gh2 and gh3 do a side by side panning shot with some brick wall. This moire/aliasing issue or non issue is just dragging so long even if the camera is still out. I think it is a given that the gh3 is better in low light so no need to see more of these.

  • Would anyone be willing to do a comparison of the GH2 and the GH3 with the SAME lenses (preferably anything non-lumix), nikkors, FD's, Zeiss, Sigma etc- something vintage maybe.

    High ISO tests to me are pointless, the GH3 as we know wins handily in not only ISO but in almost every other way.

    My issue is, that my needs are a bit different than most. I like as an organic image as possible, colors that aren't too overwhelming / vibrant and finally good "film-like" motion cadence (other cameras like Sony's have trouble here). I think the GH2 does better than most on all of the above. And so far, it seems that for what I like, it's much better than the GH3 as well. BUT I haven't seen a decent comparison on which I can finalize that judgement just yet.

    As of now, nothing has convinced me to stop using the GH2, which is surprising even me to say the least. I'm still obsessed with this little beast despite its faults.

  • For it is urgent that someone does a side by side test about the moire/aliasing, because if videos like the one with the church above is just horrible and if it not representative of the gh3 than it is making a lot of bad publicity to it.

    But then if it is true and representative of the gh3 than why any need for a hack, etc. Because it shares the same family number than the gh2. At least with me, I would look elsewhere.

  • @danyyyel Im in the same boat. theres a lot to like about the GH3 but the alaising/rainbow color moire is something that I need to see more of especially that church video environment as here where I live its all red brick and funky rooftops. I need to see more proof before going ahead and buying one.

  • @Mimirsan

    Looking at all owners reports I do not see any that mention moire that is more than GH2.

  • oh thanks, didnt know timelapse could work with raw since it was blacked out for me hdr also?

  • @Vitaliy Thats true but that "churchyard" video is pretty extreme amount of moire (if it is genuine) way more than the GH2 would. Ive shot in similar surroundings with GH2 and had nothing what that video demonstrates.

    Maybe the ones who currently own GH3's havent experienced something that would ring it off so much yet. Still early days.

    It would be nice to rule out the churchyard video example. See something shot similar. Just for peace of mind.

  • At this point there are FAR more videos that show no real signs of bad Moire/Aliasing than ones that do. Why is it that some only seem to want to focus on the few videos that show some? Whatever the reason for the issue in some videos, the 1st hand reports from those who actually have the GH3 also confirm that it's not a major issue that some are trying to make it out to be.

    I may be in the minority but I don't go out of my way to look for evidence of flaws. Unless they jump out and become distracting to the point of not being ignored, then I don't go pixel peeping to try and find an apartment window on the 30th floor that shows some moire in the background of a scene. Rather than moire tests I want to see some more well done scenes that can show just how good this camera can be. I like the many creative modes that @driftwood demonstrated. The GH3 seems like a far more adjustable than the GH2 was.

  • @Aria But its these very "flaws" that many focus on when bitching at Nex,Nikon,Canon,Pentax because the GH2 was one of the few vdslrs that doesnt really have this issue. GH2 owners constantly do these moire comparisons even though theres plenty of great stuff shot with these other cameras. As an upgrade from the GH2 (for video) and if moire concerns you (which concerns most GH2 owners), wouldnt you want to really know for sure its not a step back in that area before plonking the dough?

    I had a vg20 and for a good month I shot lots of footage around that had very little moire and alaising,was very happy with it until one day I went to a local village to shoot..90 percent of my shots were unusable (there was no way to save footage of bulidings doing rainbow dances). I loved that camera but it had to go.

    Point is we should look at the negatives also so we can decide if we can work around them (maybe a partiular thing causes it) or choose not to go there. Anyway veering off topic I hope that we get to see more real world footage showing the flaws as well as the well done scenes where the videographer works around to hide the limitations.

  • I just have a question about those creative modes: Are these some "process" of the GH3 AFTER it shot or is it a different way for the GH3 to grab the picture? I'm conscious my question sounds corny, Im sorry english is not my native language... But the point is to know if these creative modes are just some "filters" that could as well be made in postproduction with better skills by pros than some presets for my girlfriend when she uses the camera? Because if it is the later, I don't see the point except to look for the flattest profile possible.

  • @tenjin The question is, where in the processing pipe are those profiles applied to the image. I guess it's done before compression and that would be better than doing it in post to a compressed file ... So - if there is an desired look available, it's better (and faster) done in camera. Some of those color looks provided by the GH3 are not bad. Grading has become mainstream!

  • I have a GH2 and for 2 years I put videos online on VIMEO. I extols the benefits of this amazing camera. I could compare it to 5DmII, the FS100, the D800 and recently 5DmIII. Always the same love for the GH2. Like all of you I expect the GH3 for months, and like all of you, I put a lot of hope in this new camera: to finally work with GH3 for TV. Panasonic has the opportunity to capture a very wide range of buyers and to guide the GH3 professionals (those who see only Canon brodcoast for work). So I find it normal that the first tests point to the problems of moiré this camera! I do not expect that I made ​​this the perfect picture under optimal conditions. I am waiting to give defects! Qualities necessarily exist! As for 5DmIII or D800 or any other cameras.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev did you already order the GH3 ?

  • This does not convince me. Little noise, but the video quality seems from a smartphone -probably a bad renderization?-

  • This has probably been posted before but anyone experiencing OSX Aperture/iPhoto problems with RAW should download the latest update from Apple which supports the GH3.

    *** NEWS *** WI-FI Update for Lumix Link

    Confirmation regarding a new update to 'Lumix Link' App is now up on the following page;-

    Looks like a helluva lot more will be working for GH3 users including 'Video can be recorded with timer setting in remote control.'

    I'm guessing this will be ready for the official launch day of the GH3 this tuesday. :-)

  • Hmm, the more footage I see the more I tend to dislike the GH3. It's sad really, such an amazing camera on paper, with features I REALLY want. But alas, I just don't like the image all that much. It just lacks something organic that the GH2 had.

    Wish I could specify what's unappealing about the image, perhaps it's slightly more plastic and artificial looking than the GH2. Whatever it is, I think I'm gonna stick with my GH2 and wait out until that magical day the BMC actually ships.

  • @L1N3ARX

    Guys, specially for you, I made separate topic to discuss full of moire, non organic, absolutely unfilmic and unpleasing GH3 footage that is common for this camera in most cases (c) by me

  • ^ Hilarious ^

  • Ahahaha... not a moment too soon :)

  • @ vk thank-you for your creative attention to... well, keeping these forums on task. as a reader/learner, sifting thru chaff can be tiring.