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GoPro Hero3 , 4K is here in Baby Steps for $399.99!
  • 642 Replies sorted by
  • Simply put. This is a fixed focus camera. I had the subjects too close to the lens before. Sorry, it took some testing to figure that out.

    I am leaving for a comp right now. Wait till you see this next video. This will be the first time I shoot wide angle with both GH2 and GP3. Should look really cool at the optimal 1-3 feet.

  • @trevmar, I have been using Cineform as a codec for years, and have never seen any loss of resolution from it.

    Cineform has nothing to do with it, the camera shoots H264 mp4 at 46mbps in ProTune mode, Cineform is an optional external codec conversion if you need that in your workflow

    My overall assessment is that my LX7 and FZ200 (in 1080p) seem to be producing clearer images overall than those from GP3, even at 4K...

    Might be something to do with the fact only one of them (the GoPro) is a wearable action cam and the choice of sensor was made with this in mind.

  • @shamo42

    GP3 looks somewhat blurry in these shots, especially compared to GH2

    I agree. I have been looking at rather too many 1080p videos these past few months while looking at GH2 / FZ200 / LX7 / LX5 and I see a lack of resolution in these images at the pixel level. That is not something which can usually be remedied by sharpening. I have been using Cineform as a codec for years, and have never seen any loss of resolution from it. So I am puzzled what is happening here,

    My overall assessment is that my LX7 and FZ200 (in 1080p) seem to be producing clearer images overall than those from GP3, even at 4K...

  • @shamo42 That's from Protune. It disables the in-camera sharpening (along with the NR and contrast), so things will look soft compared to what you're used to seeing from GoPros in the past. They sharpen up well enough in post from what I've seen/experienced, though (look at GoPro's promo vid), especially 2.7K downsized to 1080p.

  • Thanks for these. GP3 looks somewhat blurry in these shots, especially compared to GH2.

  • Here are 3 examples of 1080p Wide, Mid, and Narrow. I think the Narrow is pretty close to the 14mm F2.5 on a multi-aspect ratio sensor camera like the GH2.

    I never liked wide angle shots until I got the GoPro 3. I am going to be shooting a climbing comp tomorrow at very close range. The bouldering at the gym is extremely tight. For a lot of shots I won't be more than 2-3 feet from the subjects. I think the 2.7K Cinema mode will work well.

    1920 x 1080 - 3M
    1920 x 1080 - 3M
    1920 x 1080 - 3M
    1920 x 1080 - 3M
  • Here are some straight out of the camera samples from the Go Pro III. You can download the originals as well. There are 4K, 2K, 24 FPS, 30 FPS, Cinema, Protune, and non Protune samples.

    The 4K Cinema file is 12 FPS but it is an ultra ultra wide angle. I like the 2.7K Cinema 24 FPS Protune the best for low light.

    I will try to post the 1080p and 720p @ 120 FPS samples later.

    GoPro Hero 3 2.7K 30 FPS Non-ProTune

    GoPro Hero 3 2.7K 30 FPS Pro

    GoPro Hero 3 2.7K Cinema 24 FPS Pro

    GoPro Hero 3 4K 15 FPS Pro

    GoPro Hero 3 4K 12 FPS Pro

  • 2.7K Cinema @ 24 FPS with Pro-tune is the best mode to use for low light. It offers the least noise with a reasonable frame rate.

    I think this looks really good. Still frame from 2.7K video.

    2704 x 1440 - 6M
  • Guys this little device is outstanding!

    This is a pretty good indoor still picture. The GF1 was about 8 inches from the camera. It looks like the computer is closer to optimum focus point. That is about 1-2 feet away. However, look at the cabinets they are in focus as well. My old GP1 didn't have things in the distance in focus.

    The only issue is that it is 1/12th shutter speed with ISO 400. The GoPro is still definitely an outside/Good Light device.

    4000 x 3000 - 4M
  • Any Canucks get a GP3 yet?

  • @BlueBomberTurbo

    Cool but I like the lens it comes with.

    • Youtube is showing playing as a speed setting.. I seen also WVGA scaled up to HD watching some of the latest GP3 uploads
  • I just started playing with 2.7 in protune

    flat and after light post

    2704 x 1440 - 6M
    2704 x 1440 - 7M
  • @subco Working on it. ;) Got one GP3 directly from GoPro coming in next month, and hopefully I can scrounge up a second at a local BestBuy between now and then. Found a site that sells the sync cable separate from the housing:

    Just have to build a mount, probably out of aluminum angle stock.

  • For anyone wondering what ProTune vs. Non ProTune looks like. Here are two sample images. This is the highest resolution(2.7K) that you can do in non-protune mode. I will leave it up to you to guess which is which.

    2704 x 1524 - 5M
    2704 x 1524 - 4M
  • @Aria

    Yes that is correct.

  • @mpgxsvcd, so it's mostly gonna be on the GH to adjust to get closer to the GP3 I guess.

  • @Aria

    Exposure is hard because you don't have much control over it with the GP3. Pro-tune helps because it flattens everything out though.

  • I'm also interested in a dual GH/GP3 setup for wide shots at the same time. What is it like in terms of matching exposure with the 2 cameras?

  • @stonebat

    When I got the GoPro 3 I thought I was getting an alternative to the 12-35mm F2.8. Instead I got an alternative to the 7-14mm F4.0. I actually am becoming more fond of the ultra wide angles. However, it is really easy to get too close to the subjects with the GoPro. Good thing I use the GH2 screen to judge framing.

  • It seems really wide...

  • @stonebat

    Actually I went back to it and 1080p Narrow is actually closer to the 14mm F2.5. This GoPro is really really wide.

  • @mpgxsvcd Thanks for the hands-on review. 2.7K and 1080p sound great. Yes the medium angle is a wide angle which is ok. Is the narrow angle close to FOV from 20mm 1.7 on Gh2?

  • @BlueBomberTurbo

    Currently the remotego app does not support the GP3. The developer is asking for a donated GP3 if anyone wants it to work with the app.