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HD field monitors comparison, with res of 1280x720 (or 1280x800)
  • First off, while I understand there is a already a thread for monitors, I believe it could be useful to have a thread dedicated to the HD spec monitors (starting at 1280x720. If you feel otherwise, Vitaliy, please close this thread and I can copy this info over.

    Anyways, I just found this:

    A couple days ago, I am pretty sure this was going for $599, now it seems to have jumped to $709.. It may have been the one without the camera plate that I saw for $599, which is now $633. Either way, I am considering as an option to monitor my GH2, as I have not been satisfied with the built in LCD, and the viewfinder can be difficult to use on a tripod with various other gear attached, or even on my shoulder rig.

    The only other options I know of at this point for monitors of this resolution are:

    1. The SmallHD DP6, which is $800 with out any accessories (ie camera plate, sunshade).
    2. H056 (aka H005), which has a great price of around $250 or less, though seems to have some various issues, despite having great technology in it's screen.
    3. Brand new Marshall V-LCD56MD which goes for $800 + $23 for a battery plate
    4. The Manhattan HD5 (as linked above) for $710 with battery place, though no sunshade. (7" and 9" versions available for a bit more, too)
    5. An Ikan 5.6" for $900 is about to come out, though did not see exact specs yet.

    And that's all I know of so far. Most of these are also available with SDI for an increase in cost, though for my purposes, HDMI is what I am after. Seems like if someone could make a 100% functioning 1280xXXX monitor for $500 or there about's it would sell like hotcakes. The H056 is so close, just too many issues at this point. If they get solved via firmware, that's my monitor, if not, and I cannot wait too long, I will go for one of the other options.

    Are there other monitors of this spec out there that I am missing? At least in the sub $800 range? I am sure there are much more expensive options (ie TV Logic), though have not seen any others in the lower price range.

  • 4 Replies sorted by
  • The H056 is so close, just too many issues at this point.

    I don't see "many issues".

    It also has very good HD-SDI version (look at our deals).

  • Ok, perhaps not many issues, rather a major issue or two. The overscanning is a big one for me, as I would use this not just for focusing, but also for framing. The 16x10 stretch I can deal with.

  • The overscanning is a big one for me, as I would use this not just for focusing, but also for framing.

    It is quite unclear report that must be properly checked.

    The 16x10 stretch I can deal with

    This one is solved.

  • Glad to hear the stretching is solved! If we can confirm the scanning in accurate, I will jump on this.
