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US: US will go bankrupt, soon.
  • 56 Replies sorted by
  • @johnnymossville

    Here's what it looks like, annualized, for those concerned with reality, rather than myth. Note here that Obama inherited a $1.2 trillion deficit from Bush, before he even took office, and that apart from the "stimulus" which was mostly tax cuts, he's the most fiscally "conservative" president in years, in terms of the rise in spending. The deficits are largely a factor of the wars Bush started, the Bush tax cuts, and the Depression. They'd be present no matter who was president, including McCain.

    483 x 350 - 79K
  • 9 to almost 16 trillion dollars in national deficit has got to be some kind of record. he spent more in 3 years than GWB did in 8 so I don't know where you got your numbers.

  • Rasmussen is a right-wing pollster which always comes up with results favoring Republican points of view and Republican talking points. They had John McCain/Palin winning in 2008.


    The rise in spending under Obama is far less than occurred under Ronald Reagan and George Bush. It was also Bush II who inherited a balanced budget but managed to create a huge increase in the deficit by cutting trillions in taxes, starting two or three unfunded wars, creating a new unpaid for Medicare drug benefit and whose vice-president proclaimed that "deficits don't matter" and that tax-cuts for the top 1% are "our due".

    But of course, it's all "Barry's" fault.

  • if Barry gets his way and we go $6 Trillion more in debt with nothing to show for it like the $5+Trillion he already racked up, I'm guessing sooner than later. Within 5 years?

  • Big advantage is that question moved in more practical plane. Not if. But when.

  • and in other news, grass is green.