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iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max video samples
  • Seams like the iPhone 16 and 16 Pro Max is using the same Sony IMX803 sensor as the 14 and 15 Pro Max. At least the sensor in the ultra wide lenses is newer. Also, the 16 Pro gains the 5x lens. Both phones are now able to shoot in 4K 120hz.

    Low light comparison between the 16 Pro and 15 Pro Max. Both originally shot in HDR. Apple claims the lens flare is dealt with better but as you can see, it's still an issue.

    4K 60fps Dolby Vision HDR video from the iPhone 16 Pro. It can take a while for HDR to show on YouTube and so if it isn't when you view the video, check back later.

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • As a side not the movie "28 years later" was shot with the iPhone 15 (and a lot of external lenses).

    Which doesn't say much - after all the first "28 days" movie was shot on a 480p DV camera and looks awfull these days...


  • 4K 120fps ProRes can be recorded without an external SSD using the Blackmagic Camera app.