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War: Poland and decommunisation, awaiting bombs now
  • Polish authorities intend to destroy 60 monuments to Soviet soldiers-liberators in the country in one fell swoop

    According to the head of the Institute of National Remembrance Karol Nawrocki, the first will be demolished in the near future in the Greater Poland and Silesian provinces. Dissenting heads of municipalities who do not agree with the decision will be "severely questioned."

    People are dumb, as bombs and war will come next. As different capitalists will tip each other to dust.

  • 12 Replies sorted by
  • Nato is the puppet boss for Poland.

  • Maybe in Poland they do not like monuments od murderers, thieves and rapists? You cannot even imagine how terrible the Soviet liberation was. Who survived this in the circus does not laugh.

  • @Mihuel

    Yeah, just stop repeating this shitty lies after your fascist government.

    All I want from you is to use logic. As bombs will wipe out your house it'll be too late to start loving socialism.

    1. These are not lies, these are historical facts. My grandmother served as a nurse in the 1st Division Tadeusz Kościuszko. She took part in the Battle of Lenino. The Russians, apart from the officer corps, were simple, very poor guys, without bicycles, without a watch. Then it turned out that everyone had several watches, and there were also bicycles. Miracle? Witchcraft? Grandma said they had to always walk in a group to avoid being raped.
    2. I don't know if it's a soviet or russian national tradition, but whenever you don't like something, you scare it with violence, bombs, etc. I understand that you want everyone to be afraid of you and it makes you feel proud that you are Russian ? Respect through fear? Not through great culture, not through the achievements of civilization, but through fear. So what do you get from it? What's the profit from it? Killed children, killed women, destroyed cities?
    3. Come to Silesia and Greater Poland and listen to the accounts of the "liberation" by the red army and you will understand why they do not want monuments to soviet heroes. Nobody moves soviet cemeteries, which we care very much and respect.
  • Your post is an embarassment. "Facts" indeed. Why was it that almost all of Germany's concentration camps outside of Germany were located in Poland? Because nobody loved killing their Jewish neighbours as much as the Poles loved killing their Jewish neighbours + other "undesirables". Part of the Catholic Fascist heritage that is now again rearing its ugly head in Poland. Disgraceful.

  • Then it turned out that everyone had several watches, and there were also bicycles. Miracle? Witchcraft? Grandma said they had to always walk in a group to avoid being raped.

    ok, so they had been murderers for killing German soldiers. OK. New perspective.

    Considering rapes, it is old Solzenitsin thingy (as he said - we need to lie to destroy communism).

    Of course some rapes happened, if you have millions of guys, but it was very rare thing. And it had been witnesses it turned out very bad for anyone invoved.

    I don't know if it's a soviet or russian national tradition, but whenever you don't like something, you scare it with violence, bombs, etc. I understand that you want everyone to be afraid of you and it makes you feel proud that you are Russian ? Respect through fear? Not through great culture, not through the achievements of civilization, but through fear. So what do you get from it? What's the profit from it? Killed children, killed women, destroyed cities?

    Are you an idiot? What all this emotional thingy means? What it was war in your country? Well - you and your friends do everything to repeat this.

    Come to Silesia and Greater Poland and listen to the accounts of the "liberation" by the red army and you will understand why they do not want monuments to soviet heroes. Nobody moves soviet cemeteries, which we care very much and respect.

    Well, strangely all this accounts appeared right as dead corpse of capitalism reappeared :-) And all of them will vanish as it'll finally die.

  • @ninetto Logistics. Before World War II, Poland had the largest number of Jews in Europe. 3 million . The Germans wanted to kill them and it was the cheapest way. What does this have to do with the Soviet Russian tradition of "liberating" nations through theft, rape and murder of civilians? That Russia's mentality hasn't changed in 100 years? Still the same resentments and complexes? They can't build a better life for their citizens, so they will destroy the lives of others?

  • @Mihuel

    What does this have to do with the Soviet Russian tradition of "liberating" nations through theft, rape and murder of civilians? That Russia's mentality hasn't changed in 100 years? Still the same resentments and complexes? They can't build a better life for their citizens, so they will destroy the lives of others?

    I am really sick of your nazism, and it is clear as day that you became nazy.

    Each time people of the world put nazism where it belong - to the grave. So, get some deep though if you want to die for this sick idealogy.

  • @Mihuel "My grandmother served as a nurse in the 1st Division Tadeusz Kościuszko. She took part in the Battle of Lenino. The Russians, apart from the officer corps, were simple, very poor guys, without bicycles, without a watch. Then it turned out that everyone had several watches, and there were also bicycles. Miracle? Witchcraft? Grandma said they had to always walk in a group to avoid being raped."

    Now look my friend i've been born in comunist Romania and I heard many stories like yours first hand from old people ho lived the second world own grandfather after fighting the war was a war pensioner for 2 years in Siberia and on the why home (his own mother didnt recognizes him when he came) quite a few of his fellow man died...

    Can you imagine such drama after surviving the war and the Siberia to die like a dog even worse like a rat just short on the why back home.

    The same old peple talked very good about the germans how polite and civilised they where giving chocolate to the children...

    Now you think for yourself was the polite and civilised Germans better than the rapist and stealing Russian ???!!! Did you read any kind of history??? Did the west all these years in the name of liberty and democracy any better???

    Look my friend in the big picture the reality look quite a bit different...

  • @Mihuel

    Destruction of monuments is being coordinated by Institute of Poland National memory, Nationalist and Nazist organization of government support.

    This guys will involve your country in the war, destroy all economy and after this will flee into warm countries blaming bad Polish people who will hand everyone of them who will be too slow.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    Yes my friend i'm aware that i have to stop.