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Mordor: Youtube blocking can happen very soon
  • <The Foreign Ministry will appeal to the Russian departments with a request to take action against YouTube and the media from Germany due to the blocking of the channels of German projects Russia Today on the video hosting. This is stated in a statement by the ministry.

    “Following the consideration of the appeal of the RT TV channel with a request for protection in connection with discrimination, it was decided to appeal to the competent departments,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

    At the same time, the ministry called the blocking of Russia Today channels "an act of unprecedented information aggression" by YouTube, which was committed with the "connivance, if not at the insistence" of the German authorities and German publications. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the government and the media of the country before "without hesitation and practically openly" for a long time subjected journalists of Russian publications to slander and harassment, and also blocked their bank accounts.

    I don't like where it all is going.

  • 6 Replies sorted by
  • As the main question, the respondents were asked whether they knew that YouTube was blocking Russian state media channels and what they thought about the possible blocking. An online survey showed that almost 80% of those surveyed are aware of the actions of video hosting, and 70% of them consider them outright censorship.

    About 72% of Russians, according to the director of ROCIT Rustam Sagdatulina, agreed that Roskomnadzor is obliged to take urgent measures against censorship on YouTube. Obviously, this concept means nothing more than blocking the service on the territory of the Russian Federation.

  • @gunlusting

    Just stop. You need some talent to write sarcasm posts :-)

  • This is good because Youtube influenced by American Oligarchs. Russia will edit out youtube propeganda like all the dum Bill Browder contents that want to hurt Russia and the east asia.

  • The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation reacted to the blocking of the YouTube channel of the State Duma.

    “Apparently, YouTube has signed its own verdict. Save content, transfer to Russian platforms. And quickly, ”said Zakharova.

  • The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation sent a letter to universities asking them to transfer their content from YouTube to the Russian platforms VK.Video and Rutube by April 4. The document is posted on the website of Southwestern State University.

    "The Department for the Coordination of Information and Educational Activities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation informs you of the need to ensure the transfer (duplication) of your audiovisual content from YouTube video hosting to the Russian video hosting platforms VK.Video and Rutube by April 4, 2022," the statement reads. letter.

  • Developing...

    Roskomnadzor warned Google about the possibility of full or partial restriction of access to YouTube. The regulator is ready to take such measures due to the closure of the Russia Today (RT) channels on the site.

    In a letter to Google, the regulator demanded that restrictions be lifted from German RT channels posted on YouTube as soon as possible. Roskomnadzor noted that the latter can be recognized as implicated in violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms. In addition, a warning was issued to YouTube, and the resource itself was entered in the register of violators. In the future, it is possible to completely or partially restrict access to it to users from Russia.