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War: Hydrogen and monopolies
  • Hydrogen is extremely bad as fuel. It even has issue with lot of nitrogen oxides if you try to burn it as usual fuel using normal air (hence very good platinum catalyst is always a must).

    But best feature for monopolies - you can't store or transport hydrogen. It is very inefficient to store it in liquid form, due to density and necessary temperature. You can also can't store it in any container for long as it goes through walls and in same time likes to damage any metals.

    Also from 20 to 80% of all energy is used to actually make hydrogen from something (water, air) and convert to compressed liquid or similar form.

    This is main reason why we have extreme attack on gasoline and diesel fuel. As both of them are perfectly fit for private cars and long uncontrolled travel. You also can store them for long periods of time, trade without control and get with you for very long trips. This is very bad features.

    In contrast, both electric and hydrogen cars will be 100% rented soon, aimed for short travel and you will be refueling them at the totally controlled manner, using QR codes to cross each zone and to be able to access any refueling station.