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GH3 rumors topic
  • 869 Replies sorted by
  • The news are unfortunatly not runing so high

  • I also want an option for a user to choose between fast yet noisy and silent but slow autofocus. For instance, 20mm panacake is quite fast but very noisy in live-view mode. But when I actually push record button it is now optimized for silent performance at a cost of becoming sssslllloooow. There are plenty of shooting situations (a concert for example where I get my audio from mixing console) where I don't care about focusing noise but need the fastest performance instead.

    Also there is a time lag between when I tap the touchscreen and when the camera starts to refocus whereas half-pressing shutter button refocuses instantly. I need one-tap - immediate refocus mode. Shutter button is kinky as accidentally pressing it too hard stops recording and for reportage genres one-tap fast and immediate refocus is a must.

  • Realistic wishes: 1080p60, High Quality HDMI Output, Slightly Better IQ, Custom Picture Profiles

  • I love the gh2 but after playing with a Nex 5n I see some things that need to be added, like focus peaking, better low light and 60p (60p is the sole reason I got a Nex 5n for slow motion stuff).. The 5n lacks in areas also like no mic input, and the screen only goes up or down.. no flip out. 422 would be awesome, I'd upgrade in a heart beat if the gh3 added 422, focus peaking, 60p and better low light.

    As for the camera body, its about as small as I'd like to see it get, I'd actually like it a bit larger for grip ability.. but the trend seems to be making the camera body basically a lens caps now.

  • Better low light performance without the red banding on the GH2. 720p 120 would be icing on the cake.

  • Nice wishlists. This is what I think we'll likely see:

    • Headphone jack
    • 1080/60P

    Bit more unlikely, but still possible:

    • Usable LCD (Higher resolution and/or focus peaking)
  • This is the stills camera with video strapped on, Gh3, yes?

  • @douglashorn

    I don't have weather proof lenses. And the weather proof feature will raise the body price.

  • Firmware SDK.

  • +1 for built-in timelapse capabilities with electronic shutter. 50/60p would be also nice, and I think we are likely to see that. I'd like to see ND filters, too, but I doubt it's gonna happen.

    As for RAW, 444, AVC intra etc, come on guys, that's all just a mere percent in perceived image quality. Don't be fooled with figures. If that comes - which I doubt - with the SAME sensor that'd be an illusion of progress. Real headway means PHYSICAL improvements first and foremost. Better sensitivity, lower noise, more dynamic range. Less rolling shutter would be highly appreciated, too. But since that's a wishful thinking topic...

    Holy Global Shutter! I summon thee, descend on us in thy glory!

  • @stonebat - why the backlash against weather sealing? I can think of a lot of situations where it would have been really beneficial for me and none where it would have hurt. Losing the articulated screen is a small step back in usability, but it could be mitigated in most circumstances by allowing an offboard HDMI screen in any still or video mode.

    Add to my wish list:

    • Allowing offboard HDMI screen in full quality in any video mode
    • Fix the video record gamma shift
    • More unique clip filenames than Clip #1 - like Canon. (This would be easily implemented and extremely useful.)

    • What the heck -- accept timecode

  • @DouglasHorn "How about a couple of really simple things like: A registration pin receptacle on the mounting screw."

    Yeah no doubt I think that was my first WTF? moment.

  • My wishlist:

    • Good body price, option with no EVF and screen (GH3 CE)
    • 1080p60, 1080p50
    • Improved sensor with white filters, 14 stops DR
    • Consumer oriented, not pro oriented camera interface
    • Focus peaking, realtime RGB histogram with RAW based mod
    • 24Mbit top bitrate for any mode, no internal camera settings


    • Wi-Fi direct with special application available for Win, Mac OSX, Android iOS
    • Application must allow 1080p live feed with feature set identical to UltraScope
    • Wi-Fi 802.11ac high speed mode option
    • Applications allow tune every aspect of internal image processing using nodes
      This includes curves, sharpening matrixes, color LUTs, etc
    • You could also tune any encoder parameters
    • Working with global and local profiles that can be loaded and stored on external storage
    • Ability to remotely capture stills and video footage (up to 100Mbit only)
    • better menu design
    • afs is afs. afc is afc. duh
    • canon/nikon like eyecup holder
    • live audio output jack
    • 1080p24 1080p60 720p120
    • hdmi output for all video modes
    • 13 stops DR from raw photos
    • 11 stops DR from video frames
    • programmable s-curve
    • custom profile… like canon’s.
    • disable digital sharpening at the lowest setting
    • separate codec parameters per each video mode
    • no weather-proof
    • wireless TTL
    • yes focus peaking
    • electronic control port for focusing and zooming
    • body price under $1K
  • +2 on focus peaking

  • Focus zoom while outputting to HDMI

  • How about a couple of really simple things like:

    A registration pin receptacle on the mounting screw.

    USB mode for tethered stills shooting and processing.

  • All other wishes as above + 1. metal (sturdy) body ... 2. headphone jack 3. DC jack, no funky DC couplers ... 4. Remote control similar to Lanc ...

  • +1 on focus peaking

  • wish to have

    -10bit 422 color

    -mov direct record

    -30fps @ 2,5K

    -60fps @ 1080p

    -120fps @ 720p

    -bitrates up to 100mbit/s

    -in body stabalizer

    -timelaps modus like the gopro has

  • All I need is a electronic first curtain shutter for astrophotography, 1080p @ 60 FPS, 720p @ 120 FPS, and 480p @ 440 FPS. Mix that with the 35-100mm lens and I would be a happy camper.

  • Would have expected 28Mbps as per the AVCHD 2.0 specification, not 24Mbps as stated.

  • 1080 60p and a better LCD would be a blast

  • Spec-wise it looks good... finally, they've put in better LCD and frame rates.

    Wish they would add peaking... and I would be 100% happy.

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