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Mordor: Strange protests
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  • 51 Replies sorted by
  • @AndrewReid_EOSHD

    Every capitalist state is police state. Or you need me to show you examples of German, France and Italy police ruthless actions towards people who go on protest?

    It is also certainly police state of all main mass media talk almost full day where protest will be and where you must go :-) Ala BLM in US.

    People always have been the foolish victims of deception and self-deception in politics, and they always will be, until they have learned to seek out the interests of some class or other behind all moral, religious, political and social phrases, declarations and promises.

    V. Lenin.

  • The law is that peaceful protestors aren't arrested in the UK. Only if they turn violent. Why do 20-30 members of the Russian public - respectful, educated people, students - need a circle of 150 police around them? What are they scared about...

  • @AndrewReid_EOSHD sup?!?! Man do some basic research, UK pioneered that fucking thing... do you even know what kettling is?

  • Let's get a little enlightment here, this tatic was developed in the most royal land of the holy queen of england and it is used to this day. It was developed with her royal majesty citizen subjects rights in mind and the main focus group was their beloved hard labour workers. Also, it was to be a softer version of the treatment her majesty reserved for protest leaders (nominally assassination, or misterious accidental deaths in very convenient moments if you prefer).

    Things are, you aren't arrested if you're peacefully protesting. Here "peacefully" don't cover any act of agression or "implied agression" by any of the person of the group after being corraled by a bigger force of armed thugs taunting and beating their shields for hours and hours and hours, possibly under the effects of pepper spray, teargas or beating, neither "peacefully" cover anyone breaking down and trying to break off and run or anything (it would be implied agression). If anything like that occurs ALL the people get beated an arrested. If nothing of it happen, you spend the whole day like shit and you go home like shit, you're not arrested. Peacefully cover this.

    Now go ask UK police masters, or any police in your list of civilized countries btw, what they scared about.

  • @AndrewReid_EOSHD

    Last time I checked - UK laws do not work here.

    Here you need to apply and inform government on the place of your protest in advance, all this ones are against local laws. Not that I support any of this bad capitalist things, but people are arrested (usually for 3-4 hours to question them) according to local laws.

    From last year you can get huge amount of examples from US, Germany, UK, France where police had been quite brutal to "respectful people". Police in the capitalist state has nothing to do with people and their interest - they are protecting and serving the ruling class.

  • I really am not interested in a nationalist point scoring competition between countries... Whose citizens have the most freedoms, etc. I am only interested in the facts about Putin. It is a police state. That's fact. Of course you can point to examples of police brutality in Europe and claim "they are protecting and serving the ruling class." but let's talk about Putin instead.

    Protecting and serving the ruling class describes the Russian police to a tee.

    It's a dumb position to let hatred of capitalism make you an apologist for Putin, the most capitalist of the capitalists.

    He is someone who treats communism as merely a mechanism or system for self enrichment and self promotion. Has done since the FSB / DDR / Stasi days.

    You have a Russian citizen facing a 3 year jail sentence because he missed a meeting with his parole officers while in a coma because Putin wanted him dead.


  • Putin is a symptom not a cause. Putin is the response to western imperialism.

    If Putin were a puppet of the west, you would not hear anything from your media about these protests, imprisonments, or the suffering of the people. For example, in Libya the situation is very bad, but the media is silent.

    If you wish to oppose western imperialism, you cannot do so by being weak. If you are weak, you will turn into a puppet regime. In this case, it would mean even worse situation for the people and spell the complete loss of power.

    The luxury of having an open and democratic society is not afforded to the east because of the exercise of western power and influence, and in particular if you are a threat to the west.

    One further example is a recent article in cnbc suggesting that the best approach to be adopted against china is to remove xi and install a more moderate government who will listen to the americans. To think, these are the tactics used against an undemocratic society - I dare to think how a democratic society would fair.

    Then, adherents of western propaganda turn around and provide us nice lecture on morality and how bad the government is - little realizing that that same morality is being used by the west as a means of retaining power against these "bad" people who the west have chained to corruption.

  • @balldawg14

    You can check simple explanation at


    Check also this link, as you keep banging your head on the door that is just being drawn on the concrete wall by ruling class.

  • ...he missed a meeting with his parole officers while in a coma because Putin wanted him dead.

    The mind is a terible thing to waste.

  • Capitalism is so terrible, blah blah blah. If it's so terrible, why did the DDR have to build a small wall in Berlin to stop their citizens moving to the west? Why isn't Taiwan banging on the door of the CCP saying 'we surrender', 'let's be one country under Xi', because living standards and freedom are so poor in Taiwan of course they are - by the way I've lived there, and of course it's a far better place to live than China, and so is Hong Kong... And yet the Taiwanese stubbornly refuse to recognise the great attraction of the communists on the other side of the strait. In Hong Kong, all those young students (and basically the vast majority of the silent public including many highly respected camera & lens companies) are just gagging for the warm embrace of Jinping aren't they? The Polish, another country who when faced with the choice between East and West, of course could not resist the attractive allure of communism and couldn't wait to dump the imperialistic British and Europeans for a better life under Soviet dictatorship.

    Anyway lets not get into that because the headline topic is about Navalny and his tiny number of followers being kettled. Should stay on topic. I know it's hard but let's try.

    In court today Navalny hears the absolutely factual legal case against him from the prosecutors...

    He is accused of hiding in Germany! Yes

    The Moscow Prison Service claimed so, so it must be true.

    Responded Navalny: "Why are you deceiving the court by saying you didn't know where I was? You had my address, my contact details."

    Indeed. Even I knew which hospital he was in. It was a bike ride distance away from me in Berlin.

    But it seems Navalny's real crime in Russia is to forget writing down his German address for the Moscow Prison Service and submitting it before leaving Russia in a coma.

    Charitépl. 1, 10117 Berlin, Germany

    Alas by the time he'd opened his eyes the next month he was now in breach of the 'LEGAL' system in Putin's Russia.

    I know Vitaliy you like to stick to facts in camera discussions and matters of politics.

    You should defend the facts as they are blinding obvious in this case.

    The Russian authorities are not even trying this time.

    It is so glibly transparent and lazy - because they take your fellow socialist citizens for fools, that's why.

  • @AndrewReid_EOSHD

    Capitalism is so terrible, blah blah blah. If it's so terrible

    Andrew how about to read something, I provided you link, as otherwise it is like I am talking to TV instead of some human with grey cells?

    As you lack (for now!) understanding of even basic things in politics and economics and try to retell me that you see on big sites or TV. I am just not interested as well as 98% of readers here. Guys who had been left us long time ago.

    But it seems Navalny's real crime in Russia is to forget writing down his German address for the Moscow Prison Service and submitting it before leaving Russia in a coma.

    Navalny is no one, puppet without any real structure. Supported by large portion of our ruling class who also love western countries and who have families living in EU, US and such.

    West guys also like him and made all stupid spectacle, as he is dirty, criminal guy without skills or ideas, had been friend with nationalists, ultra right economic program, and so on. Perfect to get huge turmoil.

    All latest protests had been supported and organized by main media, in US same had been done with BLM.

  • You mean the link where you write that Western capitalism = fascism?

    What is there to understand?

    Of course there's plenty of fascism all around the world in all countries to varying degrees. Putin embodies the very meaning of the word Fascism. Destruction of those who disagree. "Search for a common enemy. Establishment of military order. Intensive brainwashing propaganda. Diverting attention of the masses with false goals like nationalism."... and I may add the following - Police state. And corrupt judiciary.

    This is Putin's fascist Russia to a tee.

  • @AndrewReid_EOSHD

    You mean the link where you write that Western capitalism = fascism?

    Text on the link actually explains to you that happens in the regard of our "dictatorship" and "protests for democracy".

    As for fascism, it has famous definition of fascism and simple statement of facts that due to crisis of capitalism ruling class is slowly (with big acceleration due to COVID) turning to fascism. It also has clear explanation that ruling class is not usually big fan of fascism, but it is method used if softer ones won't allow ruling class to survive otherwise.

    You need to start reading medium and long (and boring sometimes) texts and understand them, it comes with time and lot of reading and thinking and discussing.

    Instead you prefer now to talk with TV or news main pages like slogans. It is pointless and useless, people can get it at any mainstream media depicting that ruling class want you to know and that they want you to think, but we don't have many hamsters on PV.

  • freedom and dumbocracy

  • Blab blab blab UK

    What about Russia and Putin? How about it? That's the topic, isn't it?

  • RT news for example is 100% Kremlin controlled. You prefer to believe your own ruling class news and TV, and therefore this makes you a hypocrite.

  • “However much [Mr Putin] tries to portray himself as a geopolitician, a great world leader, he resents me because he’ll go into history as a poisoner. There was Alexander the Liberator and Yaroslav the Wise, and he’ll go into history as Vladimir the Underpants Poisoner”

  • Oh gosh, they also interfered with our elections and used a super-deadly poison that didn't kill anybody...twice. And they hate gays! Thank God we have people like you to set us straight with detailed and informed arguments.

    And I'm an American, who doesn't believe his ruling class news and TV, you know like the blah, blah, blah drivel coming out of your mouth. I don't live there right now, which is why I don't spout bullshit that sounds like 80's commie rhetoric. The fact that you still believe this shit puts you in another level of NPC altogether. I actually see other news from, oh I don't know Thailand, Hong Kong, Belarus and now lookie Myanmar! Your excuses in 2021 for more regime overthrow are as tired as your camera reviews.

    I usually stay quiet here, Vitaliy's got most everything covered, but he's right this retarded shit doesn't belong here. Go post on twitter.

    Here's an interesting take from someone who actually studied in high school-

  • Lincoln11, put the crayons away and shut up.

    I am British. If you want to have a little one-up internet fight with somebody who gives a shit about capitalism, go and talk to someone on the DPReview forums.

    Focus on Putin. Sorry but that's all from me as I don't have time and I've got to get back to my edit of my podcast with Michael Moore's producer.

  • @AndrewReid_EOSHD

    Next time you say PV member to shut up think twice, ok? As it is not tolerated here and you must remember this.

    Focus on Putin

    Your issue is that you don't read anything longer than news headline, just no habit yet.

    You failed to understand even basic simple post I linked and did not start start analyzing all you retell us from the media.

    Discussion is not about who who is louder, it is who has better knowledge and this require real good time spent at least.

    What about Russia and Putin? How about it? That's the topic, isn't it?

    Ukraine guys also had been told to focus on their ex president apartment (this one you also do not know or forgot totally), now they have real clown ruling them with instructions going directly from US and EU. Just their salaries shrunk, expenses to simple things like water or heating tripled (now EU buys all this bad non green energy :-) surprise), most medicine destroyed and privatized and so on.

  • The western propogandists know that emotion comes before reason and logic. It is why you will see these types of guys get very emotional and it is almost impossible to reason with them.

    First they must digest the argument and then come up with a counter argument.

    If the questions is Putin. The answer is that Putin is a response to western imperialism or western fascism. i.e. look in your own backyard. It is very simple.

  • @AndrewReid_EOSHD

    Go hunt your own dearly nazi before you think you better than others because you're british.

    You're the guy who mentioned UK in the first place. You want to talk Putin but in reallity you bring UK terror tatics that you don't even move a finger to acknowledge. Fuck putin, you don't give a fuck, it's basic old imperialistic rethoric that others are uncivilized, just you don't even properly informed to make that talk properly and get in faux pas (sicerely hope it's just mistake and you not such shit person).

    Stop pretending and start worrying your own little imperialistic shithole.

  • You breathed the air of freedom! You declare - I will not suck the dirty oud of the native KGB kings! I will only fall for certified international corporations at the global level! Because my dignity demands it! Uulu! You have not yet understood, poor fellow, that the Chekist king closest to you is the certified oud of international corporations aimed at you, because the forces of good will always find a common language with each other, and apart from them there has long been nothing in the world! Uulu!

    V. Pelevin

    :-) Little simplified :-)

  • This forum is full of people who think East Berliners were sad when the wall fell.