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War: Trump lost, began the war has, story of rigged election results
  • 194 Replies sorted by
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    707 x 377 - 35K
  • Interesting. Each mail-in voting sheet has a unique watermark. Okie...pass me the popcorn cuz it ain't over til it's over!

  • trump was a war criminal his first week in office when he murdered i.e. target droned an 8 year old american girl in yemen. He surely outmatched her. Against imperial china, that'll be another another universe.

  • Cable networks, broadcast networks and Twitter cut short their broadcasts of President Donald Trump’s speech from the White House briefing room Thursday; some outlets fact-checked the president’s unproven statements rather than carry them live.

    Trump began his remarks by baselessly claiming that Democrats were committing “fraud” and trying to “steal” the election. “If you count the legal votes, I easily win,” the president said, even though the counting of legal votes is still happening. There are several key states, including Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Arizona, which are still tallying votes. Neither the president nor the Democratic nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, has enough electoral college votes yet to win. Many of those votes are mail-in ballots, including from active military.

  • @kurth

    Unfortunately we don't have option of absolute humanism here (usually people offering you one are traitors, btw).

    Nice "lefty" female Vice president (who will become president almost instantly if Biden team could push the scams and fraud and win) will be such a war hawk that Trump will be remembered in centuries as nice guy.

  • Finally proper things

  • Some "democracy proposals" and Mordor

    1. In order to register to vote, citizens must be required to show up in person and show identification proving that they are who they say they are to a duly appointed government official.
    2. Citizens should be required to show up in person to vote to the greatest degree possible. And when they show up in person to vote, they must be required to show identification proving that they are who they say they are.
    3. All political parties must be allowed to have numerous poll watchers in all polling locations.
    4. All political parties must be allowed to have numerous observers in all locations where ballots are counted, and they must be allowed to be close enough to be able to clearly see what is happening.
    5. For national elections, results for each state should only be made public once the counting is entirely completed.

    This is some rightwing US proposals that already work many years in... Mordor.

    I can also add that in Mordor can watch online via cameras at 98-100% of all voting places.

    Issue is that it is huge illusion to rely on all this as warranty of some "democracy for ordinary people", same as "constitutional illusions" many people have.

  • @Vitaliy ...."Unfortunately we don't have option of absolute humanism here (usually people offering you one are traitors, btw)."....I have no idea what you're attempting to communicate.

  • @kurth

    I am not sure why you need to make post to tell everyone about your interpretation area failure in the brain :-).

    Unfortunately we don't have option of absolute humanism here (usually people offering you one are traitors, btw).

    It just means that people who publicly promote that even child's tears is unacceptable and nothing can be acceptable if it causes even one teardrop are usually bloody murderers and traitors.

  • @tinbeo

    Bookmakers chart during first election day.

  • The Biden campaign responds to reports that Trump has no plans to concede: “As we said on July 19th, the American people will decide this election. And the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House.”

    This will end bad.

    Sen. Bernie Sanders: "Undermining the legitimacy of an election, which Trump is doing now, and in fact has done for months, is how demagogues destroy faith in democracy and move us toward authoritarianism."

    Look, our pinky left appeared.

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    406 x 483 - 21K
  • ""I am not sure why you need to make post to tell everyone about your interpretation area failure in the brain :-).

    Unfortunately we don't have option of absolute humanism here (usually people offering you one are traitors, btw).

    It just means that people who publicly promote that even child's tears is unacceptable and nothing can be acceptable if it causes even one teardrop are usually bloody murderers and traitors.""

    ...the same reason as you 'cept I only waste a few minutes a day...not a lifetime , like yourself !

    And what kind of moral depravity to you adhere to ? A stalinist gulag depravity most likely. A war crime is a war crime. It's a threshold that when you pass it, it doesn't make a fuxin difference how much. Or maybe mordorians are different, having been overrun for centuries by the mongolian hoards, and have a high tolerance?

  • @kurth

    If you don't grasp something - just keep it silent. As such way you can be perceived as smart at least.

  • I'd say that's perfect advice for you, @vitaliy. Usually that's how it works, someone subconsciously realizes their own cure.

  • @kurth

    You better spend so much time reading instead of posting crappy remarks...

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    It is mostly large cities and few other places that are making Baiden results.

    800 x 540 - 103K
  • It's different in different parts of the country, although a common theme is the suburbs. Georgia did great with the African American turnout, as well as women, &c. Lots of different factors with regional variations. Anyway, Biden is ahead in Georgia, PA, AZ, Nevada and that is more than enough--he only needed PA, really. The election could have been much closer--telling people not to mail in ballots, and so on. Needlessly insulting different groups for no reason.

  • @DrDave

    Well, if you look at any big media polls - they all mostly lied. Some of them very big. This is actually also open crime (as they adjusted sampling and made it known to firms who made polls that results they want to see).

    If you look at dems actions - they BADLY, extremely badly wanted mail in voting. They used local courts to change state laws before voting, even if was against the law.

  • @Vitaliy.....yadda yadda. Again take your own advice. You're so interested in showing something negative about the election, you don't mention that in mordor you have a president for life ! You have zero understanding of the US, so stop wanting to be perceived as some type of authority. You're embarrasing yourself. Even in this thread you misinterpreted the outcome. You try reading and traveling.

  • You're so interested in showing something negative about the election, you don't mention that in mordor you have a president for life

    Thingy is that it makes zero difference if you have limits or not, this is capitalism, president is just nice little puppet.

    In 1996 we had elections that had been similar to present in US, just even more fierce (btw, advisers who made lies and fraud, including direct falsifications had been mostly from US dem party :-)).

    Otherwise you have zero idea about elections in my country and I have very good understanding of US elections (happen to do some software that is still working now in this system :-) and lot of talks with superb knowledgeable guys back in the days).

    Even in this thread you misinterpreted the outcome.

    Don't jump too soon to conclusions. And such title still is much more clickbait anyway :-)

    P.S. This is your last useless and personal attack remark (without any link or really useful info for readers) that will be allowed in any blog post on PV. I just don't have time to see all this shite.

  • Alt media is stating that Department of Homeland Security placed a invisible serial number / tracking code on each legitimate ballot.

    Thus any fake votes can be discovered on closer examination.

    Such a system is well known from home printers.