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MAGA: Trump, idealism and endless wars
  • President Donald Trump, facing criticism in recent days for plans to withdraw thousands of U.S. troops from Germany, told West Point’s graduating class on Saturday that their job will be to defend “America’s vital interests” and not fight “endless wars” in faraway lands.

    Trump’s reported plans to withdraw 9,500 troops from Germany, one of America’s strongest allies, and relocate them to Poland and elsewhere has drawn the ire of German officials and raised concerns in the U.S. Congress about a retreat from the world stage.

    It is such big humour and idiotism.

    As president, Trump has pulled troops from Syria.

    Well, he did not. If you won't count public stunts called "pulling troops".

    Idea to end wars by pronouncing such words is pure idealism (borderline with pure idiotism). Especially if Trump is each day preparing biggest wars humanity ever known (biggest economic crisis in US he already made!).

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • Trump was always controlled opposition. Ignorant white folks wanted some payback from obama's pseudoliberals. They were manipulated by fake newz like Q, and from perpetual americana racism against outsiders, the same kind that allowed their ancestors to pillage their way across a continent. The first week trumpsterdumpster was in office he virtually attacked Mexico and authorized a targeted assassination in Yemen that murdered an 8 year old girl. That made him a war criminal, no different than all of his predecessors before him. He made alot of promises before the election. None of them kept. He's nothing but a lying scumbag murder....which more than qualifies him for the office of the president.

  • With the war on Iran, Venezuela, China. Mordor, North Korea, and most of Africa, taking longer than usual, Trump may need a smaller place to invade....Capitol Hill... a little neighbourhood in Seattle Washington, but Trump may get it wrong and invade Capitol Hill, Washington D.C.! :)

  • I think next year will be worst than this.