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Lumix GH2 Hack in 2020
  • Hi everyone! I just buy GH2 in very good condition and for a little money. But... I have big problem with hack my GH2, I'm try everything, unfortunately my camera had installed v1.11 firmware. I've got every necessary thing, PTools, hack (driftwood) and of course older 1.11 firmware who's I found on this forum. When I try to do it (I put green preview) I only see - "image could not be found"... Please forgive if I double topic but I can't find any information about. I hope the someone help me with this...


  • 14 Replies sorted by
  • Write in points what you do exactly, step by step.

  • Hi, ok step by step:) ( In my GH2 - Body: 1.1 firmware, lens: 1.0 firmware )

    first: download: GF2__V11.bin (from this forum) Hack - (Driftwood Orion) ptool3

    next I created new folder, name - ex. Quantuum

    all things I moved to the Quantuum folder

    Run Ptool3 and load original firmware, (hack is correctly) New firmware file I save and change original name for GF2__V12.bin

    next Copy new hack file firmware to my sdcart (first of course I format this cart)

    And... I put cart into my GH2, put playback button, and nothing to do, I only see "image could not be find"

    So I don't know what's wrong...

  • @marcinblicharski

    Increase version increment part in settings.

  • @vitaliy_Kiselev Thanks for your answer, but how to do it. I am a complete layman in this matter :)

  • I saw this topic ;) ok, when I open ptool and click increase version I see in second line "1", so on this place I should something change? for example? sorry for this stupid question but my GH2 comes to me yesterday ;)

  • @marcinblicharski

    I wrote all clear - Increase version increment part in settings.

  • ok I see "enter increment:" ... and below "1" so I should change this number for...? (Im tried write 2, 3 and any other but the problem was still )

  • @marcinblicharski

    Well, enter 100.

    And use fully charged battery.

    Read FAQ and forum carefully, your issue is not unique or even rare.

  • I enter 100, battery is full, and still don't working :(

  • @marcinblicharski

    Again, read.

    Bad card, issue with file name and so on.

  • ok I will read, but I checked three differents card and still not working, maybe bad file name hmm I don't change name of original firmware, only hacked firmware i save as GF2__V12.bin. Battery is full, increase version is also good (write 100)... But... for example if I copy to card actual original Panasonic firmware, my gh2 see this file (of course I don't uptade it...).

    My ptools version is 3.66d beta

  • Save your new FW as GH__ not GF__ (as well as be sure to use the correct GH(!) base firmware)

  • Hah what a shame! I'm download incorrect firmware (GF... instead GH), now is everything good. Thank You! and sorry for my mistake...