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What do we know about the novel coronavirus?
  • 3274 Replies sorted by
  • Travel volumes will never return to 2019 levels. People who previously darted around the hyped global attractions will now travel more to their regions. Business flights will also decrease. They don't really yearn for things like Times Square in New York. What they really lack is to see family and friends more often.

    AirBnB statement.

  • @Vitaliy...not true. First, the theft in the canadian lab by the two chinese national scientist. Second, the 1 in 2,000,000th chance that corona started 10 kilometers from breakout zone. Third, the early warnings of the lax security at the wuhan bsl4 lab. Fourth, the incredulous lies by the batwoman. Fifth the whistleblowers. Sixth the obvious common sense explanation i,e. occam's razor. If someone else besides chinese disinfo agents brought forth any real info that the americans had done it, I'd be easily convinced. But no one has any proof whatsoever...only theory. So anyone, except people who might have some kind of ideological preference to cover for china, should easily see who's to blame for millions of deaths.

  • @kurth

    My view on this is such:

    • China indeed worked on viruses close to coronavirus and some Chinese nationals stand behind this
    • US and EU initiated this work and provided equipment, data and lot of input
    • Yet it had been US and EU who delivered the virus and provided proper ways to spread this
    • Wuhan had been ideal place to put blame on
    • Yet things went wrong way, not totally as planned, due to extreme measures in China
    • This is why mass media now strongly tell you that it is not China who to blame, it is natural
    • But it will change any time, as this ace in the sleeve will be used in proper time and with stunning media support, they will be telling you about this 90% of all day time
    • New US president team will change the approach - using much softer words but much harsher doings
  • @vitaliy....flaw in your analysis is the record of coronavirus in wuhan lab people in fall of 2019. If the US attempted to plant the virus in wuhan, then how were researchers from the lab infected? Unless it was some james bond planted on obvious target by secret agents shite. Then they wouldn't even be sure their target was going to get ill or contagious. And if they planted it somewhere else, the chances of a lab worker also being ill with it are slim, considering they're 11 million souls. More possible that a leak at the lab is the reason. Cleaner explanation.

  • @kurth

    flaw in your analysis is the flaw in your analysis is the record of coronavirus in wuhan lab people in fall of 2019. If the US attempted to plant the virus in wuhan, then how were researchers from the lab infected?. If the US attempted to plant the virus in wuhan, then how were researchers from the lab infected?

    Any link to source of such info? I mean "the record of coronavirus in wuhan lab people in fall of 2019".

    Even far right sites and Trump guys had only mentions that they think that they have info that Wuhan lab had leak in August-October 2020.

  • @vitaliy....?? ...guess you didn't read the article.

  • @kurth

    I did, this is why I asked, as

    the US government "has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illnesses"

    It is same as famous UK "highly likely" proofs, same words had been using during famous speech about Iraq weapons of mass destruction.

    One thing you fail to understand what all right wing or such looking high traffic sites play same same as mass media considering virus origin, they just do such providing lot of extreme noise, so you can't get any real picture.

  • Joe Biden walked back the former administration’s plan to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, will participate in the organization’s executive meeting this week, according to a fact sheet released by the Biden-Harris transition team.

    I have a very bad feeling about this with this Fauci guy and WHO it can be new genocide planning.

  • @vitaliy....well the US only has 'reason to believe' because ccp shutdown interchange of theories on origins, and criminalized any chinese person who looked into it. As well real proof could be classified by the usa and this is the 'soft' version. Exactly why else would china criminalize researchers looking into it's origins, if they weren't guilty. Your association with wmd in iraq is inappropriate since Iraq didn't continue covering up it's crimes. Instead all along Iraq had denied they had them, as well as scott ritter UN weapons inspector. If it quacks like a duck, and it waddles when it's probably a duck. If someone had any proof whatsoever the gringos did it, that's another thing....but they don't...except for all those chinese propagandist and chinese generals who want war.

  • This is fun - a debate between right wing and left wing conspiracy theorists. @kurth and @vitaliy - please dont stop.

  • @zcream

    This is fun - a debate between right wing and left wing conspiracy theorists. @kurth and @vitaliy - please dont stop.

    You better check mass media - this is the guys spreading conspiracy theories 90% of the time now. They just not call them such :-)

    We also generally agree with @kurth on virus lab origin and agree that Chinese labs certainly participated in making this or extremely similar virus.


    well the US only has 'reason to believe' because ccp shutdown interchange of theories on origins, and criminalized any chinese person who looked into it. As well real proof could be classified by the usa and this is the 'soft' version. Exactly why else would china criminalize researchers looking into it's origins, if they weren't guilty.

    Any big bureaucracy structure will do the same (except rare cases). They know that shutting it down is most efficient way to make talks stop. As modern media can make opinion even telling constantly only about how "it is not Chinese lab that made this but we need to look".

    US also holds all info they have for further war stages.

    Most interesting is that elites are so afraid that they choose to go into very hard times without any real president, with Biden just signing anything you give them after he goes out of sleep and Kamala just waiting to become soon first woman president who is believed to not have opinion on anything.

  • Mordor news

    The share of non-cash payments in the country in three to four years may grow from 70 to 90%, the head of Visa in Mordor believes: the coronavirus pandemic has formed the habit of paying by card among Mordor slaves.

    In big cities share of credit cards payments jumped from around 60% to 85-90% already within less than a year. As each 4-5 minutes in every shop you hear announcements that using cash is extremely dangerous for your life.

    Btw Mordor also has unique system present only in Venezuela that tracks each and every card made purchase (in reality) and store it in special centralized database. It will be interesting as many people realize that this info will be used for everything - credits, employer will check that you buy, all big online shops also has access to this (unofficial) as well as 4 leading food retail networks.

  • President Joe Biden will push for additional travel safety during the coronavirus pandemic by requiring people to wear masks in airports and on planes while enforcing quarantines for people who arrive in the U.S. from other countries.

    In an executive order he will issue Thursday, his second day in office, Biden will codify an action by former President Donald Trump on Jan. 12 to require a negative Covid-19 test before flying to the U.S. from other nations, according to a Biden administration fact sheet. The order will be coupled with one requiring masks on federal properties that was signed by Biden on Wednesday.

    The language of the orders hadn’t been released so it’s difficult to assess how the various provisions will be enforced. All U.S. carriers have some kind of requirement that passengers cover their faces, as do many airports and transit systems.

    But the federal mask requirement could put teeth into policies now written and enforced by the airlines, which have limited remedies, such as refusing to allow customers to board future flights.

    And it will go beyond airplanes. According to the Biden fact sheet, the administration will require “mask-wearing in airports, on certain modes of public transportation, including many trains, airplanes, maritime vessels, and intercity buses."

    Masks mode is with us for at least next 2 years. But must be more.

  • This girl will set new records of "highly likely" thingies


    During her previous term as press secretary she managed to tell such amount of bullshit and incompetent statements... So, I am eagerly awaiting new things.

    597 x 392 - 40K
  •'re trapped in your old concepts that no longer function. There is a new paradigm. It's not leftwing or rightwing....the new paradigm is authoritarian or liberatarian. I'm definitely a liberatarian. I'm about as rightwing as ralph nader. @Vitaliy ...and we're also on the same page about the new pres. He's part of daddy bush's cartel. The bush/clinton cartel...controls cia and is the most powerful single organization on the planet, only challenged by the ccp.

  • @kurth

    There is a new paradigm. It's not leftwing or rightwing....the new paradigm is authoritarian or liberatarian. I'm definitely a liberatarian. I'm about as rightwing as ralph nader

    Yes, from same line of stories is that water changed its chemical formula yesterday :-)

    Libertarian guys are most extreme right wing, much more extreme than Hitler time Nazis. As fascists thing had been open dictatorship during hard capitalism times. Libertarians thing is democratic veil upon capitalist dictatorship that is possible during better times, but dictatorship without almost any limits (for ruling class, of course).

    It is quite simple who actually is more right wing. Trump talked about MAGA, turning back to period 35-70 years ago, this is reactionary thing obviously, but moderate and with proper focus of country issues.

    And libertarians talking about going back to pre imperialism era, to pre monopolies time, lack of large companies and something ala WWW times. This is much much more reactionary thing.

  • @Vitaliy.....your'e confused, perhaps from your tiny brush with america. Libertarians are free men who want the absolute smallest interaction between themselves and government....any government. All governments are corrupt, doesn't make a difference what flavor. Authoritarians want governments to solve all their problems , and are willing to trade freedom for security provided by an increasingly dominating bureaucracy using totalitarian methods. One leads to men being free. The other leads to men being slaves.

  • @kurth

    I am not confused, you can check yourself publications of Mises Institute and core works of Austrian guys who are main economic though support for so called libertarians.

    Libertarians are free men who want the absolute smallest interaction between themselves and government....any government.

    "Free" is not defined here as you can't use fuzzy common word in such context, same as that you understand as government. Government is not some autonomous entity, capitalism can't exist without one.

    So, libertarians are similar of authors of social utopias of 17th-18th century. They can tell fairy tales, but can't tell how in reality make it and do not tell you how actual social system works.

    All governments are corrupt, doesn't make a difference what flavor. Authoritarians want governments to solve all their problems , and are willing to trade freedom for security provided by an increasingly dominating bureaucracy using totalitarian methods. One leads to men being free. The other leads to men being slaves.

    All you have is development of capitalism, as corruption is natural and inevitable part of capitalism. As companies become larger and it is few monopolies that rule almost each sector of the market you also have much more bureaucracy. Both because monopolies need this as their army and because complexity of things that ruling class must take care of.

    As I told above - it is proposed to turn the minced meat back, go back into pre imperialism stage. Not understanding that this stage is also required by means of production and complexity of the products, so such return will also mean that it is only nukes that can execute your dreams. And even with them it will be very short period of new redevelopment and again it'll go past it

  •'re missing the top tier. Like being a christian is inclusive of many varieties, like wise libertarian. However ..... libertarian.... "an advocate or supporter of a political philosophy that advocates only minimal state intervention in the free market and the private lives of citizens. "no true libertarian would ever support a culture where citizens must show their papers to travel" 2. a person who advocates civil liberty.""

  • @kurth

    libertarian.... "an advocate or supporter of a political philosophy that advocates only minimal state intervention in the free market and the private lives of citizens. "no true libertarian would ever support a culture where citizens must show their papers to travel" 2. a person who advocates civil liberty.""

    Libertarians are similar to religious sect, they are also talking about some valid issues of capitalism but propose no theory on how it works in general and how it evolves, at least I do not know any (yet Austrian guys have theory on product prices on the market). Plus they propose to do some society changes but never propose how (except "elect us and we'll do").

    Yet many points resonate with people as this points are not only capitalism related, but are related to bureaucracy and hierarchical systems and their innate quality to control all and everything and do lot of nasty things :-).

    But it does not mean we need to go back, it means that we need to go forward.

    Even if you get social rating system in China - largely it is control dream, yet it will teach people partially that they are responsible for others and their rating vote or doing can directly affect someone else, it also teaches ordinary people of some control mechanisms. It is like thin and small prototype of the rope that people will use to hang current bureaucracy on to.


    One year after the pandemic started, World Health Organization advisor Jamie Metzl wants China to come clean about the origins of the COVID-19 virus.

    The Kansas City-born, New York-based Metzl, who served as Deputy Staff Director of the Foreign Relations Committee under then Senator Joe Biden (2001-2003) and before that on the National Security Council (1997-99) and the State Department (1999-01) under President Bill Clinton), theorizes it was most likely an accidental lab leak in Wuhan.

  • @EspenB

    theorizes it was most likely an accidental lab leak in Wuhan.

    I can also theorize that Jamie Metzl ate the bat and virus mutated inside him, after this he infected Chinese hooker who got back to her Wuhan home and...

    Seems plausable.

  • @vitaliy....I'd say communism is millionx closer to a religious sect than libertarian...that's why in 1984.... it is a religion . CCP is a deistic-less religion. You're talking points are distorted. So you're saying you support social rating systems chinese style ?....being a good little robot , so the rulers give you back alittle of the natural freedoms all humans were natually born with....lockean istically. Exactly what true libertarians abhor.

  • @vitaliy...."seems logical" ...any evidence Jamie Metzl had corona? Otherwise doesn't seem logical at all.

  • @kurth

    Communism is opposite to religion, and it is quite easy to check as all major religions are constantly declaring communism as horrible thing. :-) And religions are always serving ruling class.

    Yet we have some communist like sects who count their quality on how many times they read classic works :-) Does not make them smarter anyway. But people have some fun and are socialized.

    You're talking points are distorted. So you're saying you support social rating systems chinese style ?

    I never said that I support "social rating system", I just wrote that it is largely progressive thing that has some seeds of future systems. Read again that I wrote.

    being a good little robot , so the rulers give you back alittle of the natural freedoms all humans were natually born with....lockean istically. Exactly what true libertarians abhor.

    It is not enough to declare something, you need to have real way to do it. Libertarians are like light weed for people whoa re fooled by capitalism, just make you feel good that it is some nice guys who will solve some issues sometimes using unknown methods.