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Capitalism: How buybacks killed 346 people
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    Cameras market is very similar to Boeing, top management spending 90% of their time trying to shuffle funds and Japanese banks giving essentially free money to companies.

    800 x 255 - 48K
  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • Yes but cameras market doesn't kill no one ( maybe just expectation ).

    Was watching closely the story of 737 Max and it's surprising that that story's from the beginning come slowly to mainstream.

    Ather than dead people there are similarities.

  • @garroulus

    I believe it does. As it is lot of people being thrown out in Japan, China and across the world (PR, distributors, small shops and so on). They just silently die out of stress and other issues.

  • Yes you are wright... Unfortunately... So when i walk with my little child filming his face trying to get some of his feelings i should remember this... Another's child somewhere isn't that fortunate...

    This alone can be the subject of a film or at least a short documentary...