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Capitalism: Why being libertarian and using common "logic" is dangerous
  • 110 Replies sorted by
  • And someone previously told that any price is fair, and any dirty market strategy is fine

  • It is a thousand times easier to vanquish the centralized big bourgeoisie than to “vanquish” the millions upon millions of petty proprietors; however, through their ordinary, everyday, imperceptible, elusive and demoralizing activities, they produce the very results which the bourgeoisie need and which tend to restore the bourgeoisie.

    V. Lenin.

  • And it is still same thing, thinking that media doing their job (aka serving proper guys) are sloppy journalism.


  • Louis discovers basic properties of imperialism stage of capitalism on his own neck

    Elites, Louis, are serving ruling class and are doing it quite well.
    And if you see issues with their sites for years - it just means that it is no biggie for ruling class.
    Plus it is nice for customs guys, as more small guys will get into their nets.
    Core of ruling class are representing largest corporations and monopolies owners.
    Idea to somehow turn back and return to early stages of capitalism, but without all the nasty things that also had been organic part of no regulations - is stupid idea. It will never happen.

  • @twoblink

    Got it.

    Let's do one trick. Let's change the point of view.

    Notebooks in sane man land are not really made to be "sold" on the "free market". Notebooks are made so they will fulfill real needs by real people and allow them to do specific real work. Preferable for long time and be easy to repair and upgrade.

    Let's check Apple notebooks from this PoV.
    At first, they have lot of great things made to fulfill real needs, usually normally calibrated screens and nice touchpads. And much more in software department.
    Yet, they are made such way that most frequent repair is replacing whole main board or replacing all keyboard assembly and so on, and it is very costly thing. This is called waste of resources, and contrary to libertarians dreams resources are not falling free from Mars, if you wasted good resources it will be worse for everyone, not for Apple fans only.
    Some of libertarians state with fully ill logic that people are free to pay top dollar for any product or service and company is free to have huge margins. It is just one issue. All this excessive margins are normal money that never went to pockets of ... mostly small players on this exact free market, exactly people from petty bourgeoisie who share same libertarian views.
    Also, as I said above - Apple is monopoly. As changing platform have lot of instant and also hidden costs, like thousands of hours of gained experience, bought software licenses cost and so on.

  • The benefit of a free market is I don''t have to choose Apple. Everything they make is sexiness over function; and WAY overpriced. They are selling a status symbol primarily; over user optimization. There apparently is a HUGE market for that; so as a libertarian; while I can't stand them; let them do what they want to; just keep it a free market. Their iPhone UI is 9 years old; but apparently their fanbase doesn't care. Their laptops USE TO BE great; as was the mac mini; but if you can keep pumping out crap and your fanbase keeps buying it while features are removed and price is doubled; then you've obviously succeeded in the marketing to the sheep aspect of business. I'd love to buy an old macbook (and install linux on it) as would I love to buy a 2011 Mac Mini and put linux on it.. But it's still 5x more expensive than it should be..

  • And now attempt to go out of the trap, by trying to make ill logic for Apple to somehow drop this

    Well, as had been said, Apple made this not to care for people better. They made it to increase profits and sell more of their batteries (with huge margins) and take down many of third party services.

    So, idea to somehow convince them that this messages won't help much with improving safety... it is little absurd, as no one cares. It is more like autotraining exercise.

  • I've been watching Louis for quite some time and his effort to explain the monopolistic tech nightmare that is just around the corner is both entertaining and disheartening. Also, I have to admit, few years ago I fell for the free market lolbertarian meme and thought it was "the only logical way". Well it's not. Actually, it's a well crafted scam. The only people who subscribe to those ideas are american boomers, who are one of the greatest catastrophes that ever happened to human kind, the results of their shortsighted selfish greed will resonate on this planet for generations. I'll look into the T2 chip, almost forgot to do it. Didn't read about its software angle. Absolutely crazy. Disgusting.

  • And here is how you are making trap if you lack any logic aka being libertarian

    Apple care for your safety, hence they restrict the battery that can be used. In capitalism. Ha-ha-ha. One blogger told so, and let's seriously discuss this. Ha-ha-ha. Of course it very few blowing up phones and of course media is paid by corporations and being stupid journalists just follow sensations also.

    It is lot of shitty batteries exist in capitalism (surprise!) and as Louis suggest...we must blame them. Really? Only blame them? They do not burn, they are just shitty.

    May be we must blame the system where your main goal is to sell something and do not care about consequences. Where no way normal customer can know if random third party battery is good or not in the long term.

    May be logic that can be applied to few small farmers growing potatoes for nearby market does not work for extremely big and socialized modern business selling you very complex products? Just may be.

    So, in normal system you must not lock out something, but instead have all schemes, and everything up and public. But anyone who will make compatible parts will be using public production tools and public resources for this, and will hold all the responsibility, up to highest possible in this world (yes, I mean here nearest tree or bullet).

    And really, stop dreaming of lot of new small businesses. We are in imperialism stage and in extreme decay of such stage. Where most of small businesses are actually cheap way to outsource some dirty work and offload risks from big corporations, like most of farmers and so on. Yes, repair services industry is going same way. And it will reach destination quite soon, just need to see whole picture, not Apple only. And the most amazing of all - it will reach it FASTER because of Louis current proposals and public thoughts. Because he constantly asking you to choose the rope or the bullet, just not for them - for yourself. Not a smart and viable choice.

  • So, how the choosing approach works

    Well, shit, does not work good.

    All companies are in the trend of big screens. Usually the only small screens are cheap low res devices now. Or old ones.

    All companies slowly removing 3.5mm jacks. No one cares on you choosing something.

    All companies made build in battery, and all companies soon will code them all and make impossible to replace outside service center.

    All companies make now glued screen and glued back. As it is cheaper to manufacture and they know percentage of phones that will be damaged in service or by user during attempt to open it. For good service it is small percentage, but it happens.

    And I can go on and on.

    This is scientifically called as one of the forms of alienation from work. I mean here that capitalist want you to become and stay only consumer, choose the ready goods, make color selections. Louis also want you to be same guy. In normal society you must have power to affect stuff that is being made and actively participate in this, so never ever "manufacturer" (as here it won't be separate entity) must go against fulfilling your real needs.

    This is that communism is about - removing the division of labor. Not in the sense that now some uneducated idiot can just influence core decisions, but in a sense that every current working man can get education and experience and start directly making contributions to the topic he is interested in. Some idiots back in early 19xx though that it won't not work, but now in software industry we can see it most profoundly. We can see how software industry is fighting to make solid monsters and not allow lot of smart people who can be cooking in their main life to submit the code and finally improve this bug filled products. yes, I am talking about you - Adobe.