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US DHS warn of catastrophic power grid outages
  • In a new report from the President’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council and published by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the government is urging the public to prepare for the up to six months without electricity, transportation, fuel, money, and healthcare.

    The report, titled Surviving a Catastrophic Power Outage”, warns that an attack would likely come with little to no notice and could cause complete chaos for at least a half a year, “Long-duration, lasting several weeks to months (at least 2 months, but more likely 6 months or more) due to physical destruction to equipment, such as transformers or transmission lines; or the severity of the event resulting in limited workforce to repair damage, or inability to create or transport replacement parts,”


    draft power outage study from a group of White House advisers calls on the Trump administration to develop incentives for state and local governments to shore up their ability to withstand weeks or months without electricity.

    The risk posed by a catastrophic power outage, however, is not simply a bigger, stronger storm. It is something that could paralyze entire regions, with grave implications for the nation’s economic and social well-being.

    Full DRAFT report PDF

    A prior government report also recommended presidential action to protect the grid from attacks.

    Failure to maintain technological dominance or freedom of operations in EMS ( Electromagnetic Spectrum) can diminish or stop a modern nation’s broad civil and defense activities. Based on the totality of available data, the task force contends the second- and third-order e ects of an EMS attack may be a threat to the United States, democracy, and the world order.

  • 10 Replies sorted by
  • The risk posed by a catastrophic power outage, however, is not simply a bigger, stronger storm. It is something that could paralyze entire regions, with grave implications for the nation’s economic and social well-being.

    Bureaucrats found another scary story.

    Now they want to defy physics, as idea to "prepare for the up to six months without electricity, transportation, fuel, money, and healthcare" is really nuts idea. Ala - you should prepare to hang in the rope for a week without breathing.

    I can tell this idiots even worse facts, even with some nature evens where 30% of big electric transformers will be damaged it can take up to one year to get all replacements made (in China!!) and deliver them to place to be replaced. You don't need Chinese or Russian hackers if you just have US bureaucrats , they do it all by themselves, both tell you scare story and make it into reality by their stupidity.

  • But scary stories mean many US companies will make billions from gov't contracts, just like scary Mexicans and South Americans marching north will be stopped by $5 billion Great Wall of United States! Fake economy or bridge to nowhere projects,

  • Mexicans and South Americans marching north will be stopped by $5 billion Great Wall of United States

    You actually can't stop them. Same as in EU.

    Capitalist want to have more or less free trading, but fully restricted work force market. And they do it for a reason - as if you break restrictions average income in EU and US will collapse to average income in the world, and life for ruling class will be much less comfortable and conflict free.

  • They don't need a physical wall there is a simple solution already in the US. It's called E-Verify ( but there is no requirement to use it. It requires citizenship or right to work in the US proof which works off social security numbers of citizens (were already tagged and watched). No valid social security number and no job of course it does not stop illegal employment but like locks keeps honest people honest. The capitalists in this country want the influx of cheap labor.

  • The wall probably won't be built, and given the polarized state of the Hill, even "the potholes and crumbling bridges" on the Interstate highways won't be fixed. Ironically, the US wants China to open up: but Trump wants US to close up :)

  • Neither party is working in favor of the regular people in the US Trump didn't start our fall. You have to look at the positive who needs roads and bridges if we have no jobs to go to : )

  • who needs roads and bridges if we have no jobs to go to : )

    haha! good one :)

  • @Scot

    But you still need chair, electricity and some gaming console. Looking at statistics it seems like playing games becoming most common real job.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev True but even that's progress in the old days we just used drugs.

  • Very true about gaming for young people's jobs! Chair and electricity belong to parents. Gaming console charged on parents credit card! When not gaming. everyone's at the casino. Related to original topic, that's why casinos have their own power generators. When the end times arrive, casinos will still be open. Jesus will have to blow the generators to get everyone's attention!