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Official Low GOP topic, series 4
  • 586 Replies sorted by
  • I have done multiple tests comparing SeaQuake to Quantum v9b and I am finding SeaQuake to be more stable specially when it comes to spanning and 80% slomo with Sandisk Extreme 30mbs 32GB and Transcend SDXC 64GB

  • Interesting @Zaven13 (probably because Seaquake is more constant than others) but could you offer some more indepth summaries?

  • thanks but i meant in terms of image quality?

    is quantum v9b stable with a sandisk 95mbs/64gb?

    i will check it out

    thanks to all the hack masters!

  • @sid yes quantum v9b is stable with 64g sandisk 95m/s. i feel qv9b is better than seaquake. but for post and bitrate seAquake wins. but qv9b and seAquake will eat memory card so fast. i love quantum 100!! compromised on every side. a suggestion @driftwood sir, will you develop something which can give better quality than quantum 100 in 100 mbit range?? i feel 100mbit and less is always better. memory card space and time limitation problem is concerned a lot. will quantum 100 will get a new stage of quantum 100 v2???

  • @rajamalik, I think driftwood's recently released quantum 9c uses similar card space as quantum 100 but has higher quality.

  • @ jdn quantum v9c is not a stable one. its under development. still not finalized like 9b and 100. 129 mbit patch. not 100mbit. but sure in final version it will reach the expectation. lets see.

  • @jdn For image quality SeAquake 176mbit and quantum v9b 154Mbit are the best. stable and spans in 64g sandisk 96m/s cards. these patches just swallow any memory card u use on them. just in min. sir driftwood then released quantum 100 for longer recording time. but quantum 100 is not equally comparable to quantum v9b and SeAquake. thats why i requested him for another development in quantum 100 just taking image quality into concern.

  • Thanks Driftwood! You're the spine of my Frankenstein GH2 setup.

  • Hey guys, I'm new here and I was following your posts here as much as I can (after missing a couple of days at these forums, sooo much has happened already), and after many months I have decided to join. I am a GH2 user and I love it and I wish to use it to the best ability as I can.

    To Driftwood, I really admire your work in finally making an Intra-frame recording, something I hoped to have been doing for a long time. I missed alot of information as well so do forgive me if I dont understand many of the terms you lot speak of now. Also due to the fact I believe there has been many revisions of your patch even at the same bitrates.

    Thus I was wondering, because of this, is it possible to have GOP1 (Intra-frame I believe?) at 100Mbit, having it completely stable and not have to worry about anything so one can just film like if there was no hack? :D

    Hope you don't mind me asking. Hope all is well and keep up the great work!

  • @driftwood It's a very wonderful idea! Very interesting! I am also looking forward to the release of your final Quantum AVC Intra patch. :-)

  • @GH2_fan, what you are looking for is Quantum 100 or 50 depending on your SD card speed, checkout the patch vault at

    Quantum 100 will have a new version soon...

  • @GH2_fan The answer is to invest in the proper memory card -- an even the very best hack (Quantum 9b) spans clips and is rock solid.

    The card that pulls off everything is the Sandisk "Extreme Pro SDXC UHS-1" 64 gig, 95MB/s card. Only this one, other variants (like the 32 gig version) don't work. It relates to this card's file structure -- and it works flawlessly with the high bitrate patches. Both stability and spanning.

    You can buy cheaper Sandisk cards (avoid generics like "aData" and "Transcend"), but that's where you run into problems with spanning. "Spanning" means you can hit record and the camera won't stop recording until the card fills up. Depending on your editor, the spanned files will import into your editor as one long clip. For example, this is flawless with Premiere Pro CS5.

    Remember, memory cards are almost, almost like lenses -- invest well and they'll last you for many devices for several years to come. For example, I still have class 6 Sandisk Extreme Pro 30 MB/s cards from 2008 that have never once generated any error on any camera -- including HUNDREDS of hours of use on an old HMC-150. They don't work with Driftwood's Quantum 9b, obviously, but they did work for other lower bitrate hacks on the GH2. The point being -- don't go cheap on your media. Invest properly up front, and you'll get years of reliable use.

  • @Rszanto

    Hello! What kind of pre-/postprocessing did you use for that clip? Encoding is somewhat bad and blocky, but it has very nice but unusual texture of noise. Did you add noise afterwards? what kind of CC? Also very nice compressed highlights.


  • @MrEdd You see, this is what I'm talking about, because I've missed quite alot, I dont understand when you say 'Quantum' or in prevcious discussions, it was always about 50Mbit or 100Mbit but then 'AQ' came in after I didnt read for awhile, and started to get confused :( And for this new version, how does it differ to the current version as it is?

    @onionbrain That was very informative, thanks for that, I myself own this 7DayShop 32GB Class 10 SDCard which at the moment hasnt failed me yet. I am aware to obviously invest well in my equipment and media. And what exactly do you mean your class 6 Sandisk Extreme Pro 30 MB/s cards dont work on your hacked GH2? what was the error in that?

  • @GH2_fan For what I understood Driftwood´s Quantum aims to be the best in diferent modes (24p,1080i,720p). Currently there are 3 flavours:

    -Best quality Quantum 9c (test patch), you can also try 9b

    -Long Play Quantum 100 DocStyle

    -Most Compatibility Quantum 50 (better than stock)

    "how does it differ to the current version as it is?" For what I´ve read in previous post it will take use of the new version of Ptools

  • @blackspot

    I'm with you on the encoding. Vimeo's non-pro 720p uploads are fairly horrifying.

    The clip was shot at 1600 ISO, and underexposed by about a stop and half. That gave me plenty of grain to form a decent profile with Neat Video. I tend to hate the sterilized look of denoised GH2 footage, so back in After Effects I placed a custom grain profile on top (made from actual 35mm scans of Kodak grain), which really helps to even things out again.

    The CC is a bizarre combination of several LUTs and various contrast enhancers. It takes two minutes to render out each second of footage, but with a little bit more tweaking, I think that the results are more than worth it. I really love the anti-DSLR look the process gives my footage.

  • @Rszanto

    I really like the feel of the footage, good job!

    Question: When you underexpose, how do you bring the footage back up to proper exposure in after-effects? i.e. what is the process to lighten up the whole image? Just add brightness? I would love to experiment but am just starting to learn how to use AE.

    Thanks in advance. Cheers!

  • @MrEdd From what I'm gathering from you, I take it like there is 3 versions of Driftwood's Quantum? this being:

    • Quantum 9b (why this being Best Quality?)

    • Quantum 100 (what do you mean exactly when you mentioned Long Play and DocStyle?) &

    • Quantum 50 (I take it that this is just an increased bitrate and Intra-frame?)


    In general, does all of Driftwood's Quantum versions/patches apply for all the different recording modes? Thus will i have true Intra-frame recording at 1080i50? and quite possibly 25p if its available???

  • I did a few test with Q9c. - Shot a 40 min live performance in 1080p24 L ISO1600 with 14-140 in etc to a Sandisk 32GB 30MB/sec. Spand nice, no issues. - 1080p24 H ISO640, 1.7 20mm. Outside run and gun. Did Not test spanning. No errors - tried to shoot 720p50 snow falling. Failed.

  • I think driftwood is waiting for the new version of Ptools before tweaking and releasing version 10.

  • Even if it is a joke, everyone asking for 4:2:2 is getting kinda old... It's gotta be grating on the ears of those who do the hacking.

  • My guess is Mr Driftwood already has the new ptool and is tweeking away!

  • @pinger007 - "Even if it is a joke, everyone asking for 4:2:2 is getting kinda old..."

    LOL, yes, and it's hard to resist the temptation to prolong their torment. Here's a short, hopeless wish list of GH2 features that you'll have to find some way to live without::

    1. 4:2:2/10-bit color
    2. Live RAW HDMI output
    3. 64-bit SD card file system
    4. Anamorphic frame sizes in AVCHD mode
    5. 24p frame rate in MJPEG mode
  • @sohus Newbie topic???

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