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Cinema gear reviews and so called film courses suck
  • It is so hard to see most of the cine gear video reviews.
    You constantly thinking if reviewer has gun behind his back and being forced to tell you about this crap :-)

    Review must force you to buy stuff, not to hate it :

  • 33 Replies sorted by
  • ;] I still have my Korg Polysix

  • @Faudel

    Despite constant rumblings on forums, people do not want this "can do this" and "can't do this".
    Best reviews are always completely subjective.
  • Typical review :p
    Hello everybody this is the review of product A,
    pros; product A can do this this this and this...
    cons; product A cant do this this this and this...
    Now it's your choice !
    thank you for watching...

    Reminds me the student who said
    "i hate chemistry" but in fact the true sentence should be "i hate the way Mr Bob teach us chemistry"
  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    No, for real instruments Omnisphere is indeed not the best choice. It has some good pianos and choirs, but mainly pads, rhythms and experimental stuff.
    If you want real instruments in synthesis, i only know of Wallander who can put out something realistic (besides all the physical modeling stuff like AAS stuff, Reaktor, ..)

    And yes Edirol Orchestral is fantastic. That's the one that all started it for me, after using only loops for years. Like @sammy i also use LASS now, which is indeed very realistic sounding also.
  • >Vitaliy Edirol Orchestral? Now that's a blast from the past. Always felt you need lots of reverb to make them sound okay .

    Yep. Good for fun. And small.

    I made separate topic for real instruments synths

  • Music learning (and work) is fuckingy boring thing, in reality. Repetitions, repetitions, plus practice and practice.
    After this you could prepare for a month, go on stage and make 5min demo

    LASS strings also are very good VK. Kontakt is the ,most inst plugin i use in my studio, because its sample based plugin.The interface is little hard to get use to , and not that simple, but it get the job done
  • Vitaliy Edirol Orchestral? Now that's a blast from the past. Always felt you need lots of reverb to make them sound okay . VSL - with the new Vienna instruments pro they can produce incredible results?
  • I too didn't get the hysteria surrounding the skywalker ranch video. Moving slide show is apt description. It's a nice place, and if you wake up early and point your camera you'll get pretty good images, but that doesn't make you Conrad Hall. If you can light a sound stage to look like sunrise at that ranch? Now I'm impressed.
  • >On the other hand, i'd need 5 years of lessons to go with the Keyboard

    I think it is very conservative estimation. :-)
    Most of the guys I know who finished 7 years of school and practiced since many years can't play at this level :-)

    Music learning (and work) is fuckingy boring thing, in reality. Repetitions, repetitions, plus practice and practice.
    After this you could prepare for a month, go on stage and make 5min demo.

    Btw, one important thing abour Bert is how fast it looks. Good things must look like time passes faster (even if they are slow in nature). He is making many preparations, put this all in Performance settings, after this just click one button to go to next performance (with voice and effects settings, splits, arpeggiators, etc)
  • I am more into Hollywood Strings or Edirol Orchestral plugins :-)
  • bert's demos are great- never saw him before, but he's convincing

    after his demos, makes me Want to buy Yamaha,
    which I'd never say minutes before.

    On the other hand, i'd need 5 years of lessons to go with the Keyboard
    to sound like him ...
  • Omnisphere is a beast!!! Use it all the time. One of many tools of course - virus and z3ta+ get use here as well.

    @Vitaliy_Kiselev and @LucasAdamson - Word..... about the proliferation of the slideshows. Not a fan any more and all this has done is make me itch to get something useful out there now and stop being a pixel peeping armchair critic. The gear is not the bottleneck now. Some of these guys have all the cameras money can buy and yet there is little in the way of definitive work. Some who shoot this stuff are spoken of in the same breath as award winning cinematographers. I don't get it - suppose that's the power of the internet - Rebecca Blacks video says alot.

    We could all do with a lesson in shooting challenging narratives at the risk of being flamed by a watching world. It is only in failing that we can improve right? Next year I will be doing some substantial work. I am also tired of testing now and watching test videos as well. The gap between top stuff and useable cheap stuff is ever decreasing.
  • @johnnym
    Are you sure?
    I am interested in real instruments or, at least, very close to them.
    My understanding is that Omnisphere is just collections of presets for highly complicated artifical synth.
  • You can do all those things with Omnisphere. If i understand what you want correctly, it is the synth par excellence that has the kind of interface you describe. Although i'm aware it may not show from the video and i'd better uploaded one of the earlier videos.
  • >If i remember programming a DX7. That's difficult.

    Modern synths have quite good interfaces.
    And most have computer software with quite clear interfaces.

    >I think there's more bad music, because prices for synths have dropped, and many more people (often without talent) are trying to create, not because the synths have become worse.

    I do not mean this.
    I mean that searching for particular "special" sound is widely spread thing. And endless tweaking is boring.
    Plugins like OmniSphere are geared toward making specific sounds you want, but hard way.
    I much prefer to have simpler approach like "Make me same sound but more dark. Ok. Now more distortion. No, remove it." What I mean is - I want all the knobs removed, at least until final small tweaking.
    Want all plugins to include online librraies, so I could search, select try and purchase necessary parts.
    And I mean not to search for "Guit_80s_dist_plus_fl".
  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    Yeah, nobody can use that softsynth like Persing does. He probably only wrote it to satisfy himself.
  • @johnnym

    Most of the time they show how complicated their products are. And all is so slow...
    If you ask me, audio plugins went the strange route. Most of them are complicated and powerful.
    With lots of little unusable knobs and other controls.
    And guys now are really mad looking for new sounds only. So, we have piles and piles of music that you can't remember even 2 minutes after you finished listening.
  • Jordan Rudess, Half salesman - half piano genius...
  • These are my favourite product videos, also synth-related

  • >jem is funny but sometimes i feel too much talking heads with his vids, i would like to see the stuff in action.

    Btw, he wants to do it for long long time, but still no sign.
  • jem is funny but sometimes i feel too much talking heads with his vids, i would like to see the stuff in action.
  • I've never been on one of their film courses, so I wouldn't know about that. I imagine they are a bit of a waste of money.