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Olympus VP-10 PCM refurbished small recorder for $40
  • image

    Very small.

    Records PCM WAV.

    418 x 867 - 30K
    418 x 867 - 30K
  • 15 Replies sorted by
  • Nope. I looked into this a while ago, as I liked the form factor. But, the "PCM" is crippled:

    "When recording with built-in stereo microphone:" (or with anything else) " Linear PCM format 22.05 kHz/16 bits 50 Hz to 10 kHz."

    You read that right a 22.05 sampling rate, half that of CD's and you get the expected truncated frequency response (Nyquist). Awful. Stay away for any serious recording.

  • image



    Just added super sharp EQ cut to recorded dialogs (on mike that is better than 98% lavs).

    It removes just very very little of air. Actually if I'll let you listen you will tell that it is perfect recording. Cheap lav affect recording much much more.

    As guy who saw lot and lot of dialogs most of info above appear due random air movements, it means sss like sounds, plus wireless system interference etc

    Here s sounds are easy to see:


    It is very little energy above 12khz.

    546 x 398 - 40K
    249 x 500 - 35K
    209 x 500 - 28K
  • Battery life


    800 x 222 - 50K
  • As for MP3 128kbit for dialog recording. 99% of time you won't be hear any difference with PCM.
    Even for complex processing with significant gain adjustment it works very good.

    and here is your delivery codec

    The audio you hear during a YouTube video will usually be 126 kbps AAC in an MP4 container or anywhere from 50-165 kbps Opus in a WebM container.

  • I agree for voice recording these sampling rates and bitrates are likely adequate - you will 85% of the time likely be able to distinguish a girl's voce from that of a 40-year old man. However, the cheapest condenser mics have better frequency response than this recorder can record. And human voices are not the only sounds one might be interested in recording.

    Anyway, the point is that this device is using the absolutely lowest level of audio recording quality - and "PCM" as a spec does not imply good audio recording quality, as here.

  • I agree for voice recording these sampling rates and bitrates are likely adequate - you will 85% of the time likely be able to distinguish a girl's voce from that of a 40-year old man.

    You talk about things where you have little experience.

    However, the cheapest condenser mics have better frequency response than this recorder can record. And human voices are not the only sounds one might be interested in recording

    If you will not buy $40 good voice recorder because it is not perfect tool to record concerts.. Well... May be it is time to go check the doctors.

    Anyway, the point is that this device is using the absolutely lowest level of audio recording quality - and "PCM" as a spec does not imply good audio recording quality, as here.

    PCM just imply that it is simpler for complex processing, not much, but sometimes you need it. I had few such cases with complex issues.

    In case of stereo recording of separate lavs it must also be used because of the way MP3 encode stereo at 128kbps.

  • "You talk about things where you have little experience." First of all, I was joking about the 85%. Second, I used to record classical music professionally (originally DAT, then to DSD solid state), from lieder recitals to oratorios - people paid for what I recorded. I could be an idiot, but little experience with recorders, mics, no.

    Since you keep responding, let me make clear why I originally posted - it is because you touted the fact that this cheap device recorded "PCM" as if that indicated good quality; see your first post: "Records PCM WAV" is the only spec you gave. So, I revealed that in fact this recorder has the worst recording specs of any recorder I have seen (having in fact investigated this one before), including the fact that the sampling frequency for PCM is nonstandard in the sense that almost all recorders that record PCM use at least 44.1 kHz, and this one does half that. I also indicated why sampling rate matters - the frequency response is actually lower than that from the MP3 recordings. The sampling rate affects frequency response only; compression or non-compression.

    Now, whether the audio specs are adequate for someone's specific needs is certainly up to them. One doesn't need DSD to record everything. But touting this recorder without revealing the full specs, which you did after I gave the link, may have misled someone who truly has "little experience" or trusts inappropriately.

    Btw, this one is also $40, and it is new with a better warranty, and has no worse specs (such as they are - what about noise, DR, IM?).,loc:2&gclid=CKrHuMX81NQCFQtMDQodWLgODA

    Given your standards, this seems like a better deal.

  • @markr041

    First of all, I was joking about the 85%. Second, I used to record classical music professionally, from lieder recitals to oratorios - people paid for what I recorded. I could be an idiot, but little experience with recorders, mics, no.

    Well, such joking just make other people confused. Don't do it next time.

    No need to call yourself idiot, you just have little experience recording and working with recorded dialogs.

    Since you keep responding, let me make clear why I originally posted - it is because you touted the fact that this cheap device recorded "PCM" as if that indicated good quality; see your first post: "Records PCM WAV" is the only spec you gave.

    It's main usage for video guys require mod so you could use external lavs with it.

    Such recorder is very handy as it has clip and after proper soldering and putting stopper on cable inside it is much more reliable compared to any recorder with non locking connector.

    Why PCM mark is present in post and is important?

    PCM is important if you want to record two lavs (that this thing can do contrary to other cheap recorders), PCM is also important is you need to do some complex stuff with recording.

    Is 22Khz some non-standard sampling or a problem for dialogs recording?

    No to both.

    Now, whether the audio specs are adequate for someone's specific needs is certainly up to them. One doesn't need DSD to record everything. But touting this recorder without revealing the full specs, which you did after I gave the link, may have misled someone who truly has "little experience" or trusts inappropriately.

    Your comments misled many people here. But they are useful as bring discussion :-).

    Btw, this one is also $40, and it is new with a better warranty, and has no worse specs.

    It is mono crappy unhandy recorder.

    Whole post appeared not because it is just PCM recorder, but because it has handy form factor and can be modified.

  • There is an old Latvian phrase about who is confused by jokes, but I forget what it is...

    Your lack of comments in your first post misled everyone here. But I am glad you now have elaborated on why you think this crippled frequency response, low bitrate compressed recording device has some special uses. You first post only said it was worth looking at because it was small, cheap and recorded PCM. All this other subsequent stuff you were hiding because?

    I agree it is a great form factor, which is why I had investigated it earlier. But given my little experience with recording dialogues (I agree) I could not possibly imagine how such a low-quality audio device could be useful, other than for stealth recordings of gangsters (but there are much better and stealthier devices than this). And your first post was no help.

    But that's why we have forums!

  • I could not possibly imagine how such a low-quality audio device could be useful, other than for stealth recordings of gangsters (but there are much better and stealthier devices than this). And your first post was no help.

    Well, hope it helps now. The more shit you put on it, the better it smells :-)

    But that's why we have forums!

    We have forum here to share knowledge.

  • It's main usage for video guys require mod so you could use external lavs with it.

    Such recorder is very handy as it has clip and after proper soldering and putting stopper on cable inside it is much more reliable compared to any recorder with non locking connector.

    Why PCM mark is present in post and is important?

    PCM is important if you want to record two lavs (that this thing can do contrary to other cheap recorders), PCM is also important is you need to do some complex stuff with recording.

    More details on this please.

  • @zcream

    What thing need more details?

  • What soldering are you referring to? Did you replace the internal mic?

  • @zcream

    Some guys get two small wires and solder them so headphone jack becomes stereo mike connector.

    Others just solder wire directly, it is more secure way. Usually used for weddings.

    Internal mikes are removed.

  • Simple idea: place foam windscreen over top half of device, channel logo box near bottom, hold from bottom. Good backup interview mic, (or even main).

    Human speech range is very limited.