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Apple: How capitalism works
  • Apple's new moonshot plan is to make iPhones and computers entirely out of recycled materials by putting pressure on the recycling industry to innovate. But documents obtained by Motherboard using Freedom of Information requests show that Apple's current practices prevent recyclers from doing the most environmentally friendly thing they could do: Salvage phones and computers from the scrap heap.

    Apple rejects current industry best practices by forcing the recyclers it works with to shred iPhones and MacBooks so they cannot be repaired or reused—instead, they are turned into tiny shards of metal and glass.

    "Materials are manually and mechanically disassembled and shredded into commodity-sized fractions of metals, plastics, and glass," John Yeider, Apple's recycling program manager, wrote under a heading called "Takeback Program Report" in a 2013 report to Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. "All hard drives are shredded in confetti-sized pieces. The pieces are then sorted into commodities grade materials. After sorting, the materials are sold and used for production stock in new products. No reuse. No parts harvesting. No resale."

    Apple's practices are often against the wishes of the recycling companies themselves, who don't like to shred products that are still valuable. In a weird twist of fate, I visited ECS Refining before I knew that it did recycling for Apple. While I was there, I watched workers crowbar and crack open recent-model MacBook Pro Retinas—worth hundreds of dollars even when they're completely broken—to be scrapped into their base materials.

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • Another part of this greedy bastards

    Apple now pay around 30 cents per one phone to Imagination Technologies for their GPU.
    MediaTek for some of their LSI pays only 10 cents. It all unofficial numbers, of course.
    So now Apple make public stunts to force payments to be less.
    This guys really fight for 20 cents while having highest margins in industry (only Sony in camera business rivals them).

  • It's never enough for them. The pursuit of money clouds their reality to the point where nothing else matters. It's not sustainable, but the resolution will be messy and dangerous.