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18 Nobel idiots
  • Guys published such letter

    • European integration is essential not only to maintain peace on the continent but also for the economic progress of member states and their political power in the world.
    • The proposals made by the anti-European programs would destabilize France and would call into question cooperation between European countries, which today ensures economic and political stability in Europe.
    • Isolationist and protectionist policies and competitive devaluations, all at the expense of other countries, are dangerous means of trying to generate growth. They lead to reprisals and trade wars. In the end, they will hurt France and its trading partners.
    • When they are well integrated into the labor market, migrants can be an beneficial for the host country. Several of the most prosperous countries in the world have been able to welcome and integrate emigrants.

    It is one problem with it all. As all 19 are idiots not understanding that rise of Le Pen popularity originate on real and materialistic reasons.
    Idea of this guys is to somehow fix current situation without movement forward (to socialism) or backwards (that Trump and Le Pen propose).
    Guys, if you want to keep capitalism you way is reaction way, going backwards towards trade wars transforming into huge real war.

  • 2 Replies sorted by
  • It is one problem with it all. As all 19 are idiots not understanding that rise of Le Pen popularity originate on real and materialistic reasons.

    Maybe not, a lot of immigrant scapegoating and fearmongering helped put Trump in the Whitehouse. So IMO it looks less "real" and more like a creation by selfish and cynical oligarchs and greedy and craven media.

  • Its all like playing very advanced risk game. Nothing seem that ovious. You never know the real intentions of your enemy, nor trusting any other one, even on peace treaty.

    what is going on here is the desperate move from main capitalists on Europe to mainting the free trade and the muslinisation of those countries. Since that culture is easy to manipulate and stronger tha european culture in a very large antropological aspects. Also very cheap. On vehavioral aspect consider violence and cultural diference. Europeans are sub reacting. Considering themself racists and puting the soberanity of their country by only a stigmatization from a culture that it cannot wistand heavy loads of agresiveness and exteemism since WW2. confrontations like on finland or sweden are just the standard of the begining. Hard shit if you tell me. Take a look at the south of spain if you wanna see 4 lane barricade border full of bodies.

    Europe is in heavy trouble mainly by usa and his demands on income and taxing their assets, now mainly on geopolitical pressure. A united europe is easier to command. the bulk workhorse from muslim part its making a decline in wages. only a bunch of countries in europe are making balance.

    let them separate. Make some movement. Let some countries merge and settle. There will be no war only desperation for a good fair trade betweeen nations and regain their soberanity and some feedom for god sake.

    Either way the problem is that europe is to well acomodated for today work standards as asia is giving the new real benchmark on work. No time to shit arrouns fellas. Work and hard.

    Hard time to be on europe.