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  • Hello, I have sumitted a video to a sony competition. I have been following Personal view for several years since the days of the great GH1. I have done the video with almost no budget and with very cheap equipment. If you like it please give me a like or thumbs up. Thank you and i hope not to bother anyone.


  • 14 Replies sorted by
  • Sony competition allows only 60 seconds documentary style. Thank you

  • I got it. I mean that you can also make longer version and with reason :-)

  • Thanks

  • It has subtitles in Spanish and English. To vote you need to go to the youtube page by clicking over the youtube logo on the bottom right corner ot the video. once there give it a thumps up. Thanks

  • Other places you can post the video would be Google groups, FaceBook groups, Reddit, Twitter, other video forums, etc.

    I'll give you a private message later.

  • Thanks Paulo, I thanks all the help i can get.

  • Now added subtitles in french and german

  • Me too. I'm participating to the competition, with this

    Thanks for the post, and good luck!

  • The competition was rigged

    TOP 10 (March 12th 2017 23:59 UK time)

    1) Pursuit of Focus. 13,344 Likes

    2) Creativity 6224 Likes

    3) The Last Black Smith 4545 Likes

    4) Catarina Casqueiro 3437 Likes

    5) One Life One Story 3274 Likes

    6) Nicolas Bravos 3236 Likes

    7) Born to Dance 3089 Likes

    9) Paleo 3080 Likes

    8) Juxe Black white 3078 Likes

    10) Droga do nieba 3030Likes


    11) Letter to my future self 2954 Likes

    12) Season of the Tabernacles 2916 Likes

    13) the Wood Carver 2803 Likes

    14) Self Defense Jansu Do 2627 Likes

    15) Apple 2564 Likes

    I can not believe it. Neither the winner or the runner up were between the ten most voted. WOOOW!! The runner up even presentend the documentary the 2nd of february. Right now they have 1595 likes for the runner up and 2378 likes for the winner. I really thouht that it would be more ethics. The one with less likes in the top ten had more than 3000 likes. I am really disapointed. This is a real master class of how the film industry works. Any thoughts?

  • You can expect just about any video competition to be unwinnable. Not exactly surprising.

  • I am not surprised that the competition was rigged. I'm not that naive. What i'm surprised is that nobody cares. Not a single person want explanations. Now i question every single time that i have read the Bloom's ethics statement. Is that a bias blog? Is Sony an ethical brand?. I supose i'm just a morron with integrity in a world where nobody cares. Congratulations to Mr. Bloom I hope he has a magnificent life with his Thirty pieces of silver.

  • @Chuvi

    Well, participate in our competitions :-) Not rigged.

    More people - more competitions, more stuff. But for now trend is reverse.

  • Sony has admited that there has been a mistake. The winner and the runner up even not being in the top ten will retain their prizes. Later will publish a new shorlist to pass to philip bloom. After all the comments i have made in differnt places and all the emails i have send to Sony europe i imagine its imposible for me to win or being the runner up. Frist rule of competitions - don't agravate the judge. But at least it would be some sort of justice and i hope two of the other nine get their prizes. In real life the one who complains always get punished. That's life.