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Lab: Color perception
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    499 x 618 - 51K
  • 5 Replies sorted by

    You can be principal scientists, but you better read on human color perception science first.

    As thing that we see here is human version of white balance that is very complex and actually involves understanding on that you have on picture and how it normally look.

  • If you use a white-balance tool to convert the color of the plate to white, you can clearly see that the strawberries are bright RED.

    So I'm calling shenanigans on this image, as it appears to be a normal picture of RED strawberries that has been contaminated with another color.

    White Balanced Image.jpg
    1600 x 840 - 213K
  • @Guy_McLoughlin

    Well, you are right.

    But it was made to show you that our brain can do.

  • I don't find this image that impressive. To me it's just like a photo or video that had been shot with a bad color balance setting ( like shooting under fluorescent lights with your camera set to a daylight balance ), so it's pretty obvious that it's just a color image with a color balance cast contaminating the overall color balance.

    I guess I was expecting to see no RED color at all once the color cast was removed, then I would be most impressed by the color constancy effect, but this is not the case.

  • Well it seems you do not understand the premise of what is being demonstrated in the image.