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Capitalism: Milk and how capitalism works
  • Farmers in the U.S. are pouring out tens of millions of gallons of excess milk..


    More than 43 million gallons’ worth of milk were dumped in fields, manure lagoons or animal feed, or have been lost on truck routes or discarded at plants in the first eight months of 2016, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That is enough milk to fill 66 Olympic swimming pools, and the most wasted in at least 16 years of data requested by The Wall Street Journal.

    Absolutely normal capitalism situation. Wasting huge amount of resources and throwing out result to keep prices is they way it works.

    500 x 463 - 43K
  • 7 Replies sorted by
  • You'd think they'd learn over the last 20 years that they are overproducing by 25 million gallons and just produce less...

  • They won't, and they are not alone it is widespread practice and had been used since first days of capitalism.

    Each of them think that they are smarter and will win in this game. In the game where most are losers.

  • you can't under-produce as a farmer. They majorly run on credit and can't suspend operations unless it's for weather disasters. For them, it's better to just pour the milk out in a field

  • They majorly run on credit and can't suspend operations unless it's for weather disasters. For them, it's better to just pour the milk out in a field.

    You know that you need to milk a cow anyway, don't you? As from this text it seems that you don't.

  • Heh, I guess I learn something new every day

  • Whats wrong with you VK? You keep criticising Capitalism and using clear examples of government intervention. You can use Milk production in the US as an example of Capitalism when it actually resembles it and it doesn't have billions of Government subsides which disallow any kind of real price discovery.

    I think essentially you are confusing Crony Capitalism with actual Capitalism.

  • You keep criticising Capitalism and using clear examples of government intervention

    And people keep repeating some stupid things that media told them :-)

    You can use Milk production in the US as an example of Capitalism when it actually resembles it and it doesn't have billions of Government subsides which disallow any kind of real price discovery.

    How about to check history of question? Check that happened before Keynesian methods had been implemented, like things that happened with food during Great Depression years and well before it?

    I think essentially you are confusing Crony Capitalism with actual Capitalism.

    As I told many times, you try to use arguments that Capitalism defendants came with long time ago, in 19th century and before. The only reason why people still use them is because capitalist use time and lack of memory as their advantage.