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Capitalism: Dreams about migrants future are expressed openly
  • Sweden must create a new state-within-a-state where national laws don’t apply and sending thousands of migrants and so-called refugees there, the incoming chief economist of the influential World Bank has said.

    The refugee issue is a huge problem, but there are possible solutions. Sweden, a sparsely populated country, could rent out a land area the size of Hong Kong. That could take millions of people who would support themselves, and not have to cost anything… It is important that this free zone should be considered independent, with its own laws and rules, and not as part of Sweden. The economist suggested a similar zone for the United States,

    Freeing the migrants from restrictive labour laws such as the minimum wage and working time limits would stimulate economic growth within the zone, he said.

    Capitalists still dream about 19th century times. Still hope that workers will give up all that they fought for.

  • 17 Replies sorted by
  • Pah! They would probably just go back home if such a zone was set up. They only come here for the welfare anyway. No welfare, no migrants. And subsequently no SEZ

  • Very few people would want to live here if they had to pay their own way. Just like Alaska. Just like Siberia. That's how it's been for the past centuries and that's what it'll go back to once our current politicians run out of other people's money.

  • @Gamer_s

    Why assume them as some second rate dumb people? They also have same intellect, and they will choose better richer country, if offered.

    In reality, few of them just "came". It was big organized thing, frequently with whole trains and special buses rented and special distribution agreements (all of them depend on local capitalist evaluations of local labor markets).
    All that this people wanted is to have some home, work and live normally. If they are offered good welfare it does not mean that it is for nothing. They are here "...just to scare the shit out of the middle class" (GC)

  • In my opinion, immigration should be decided upon by the native population of a country, not by some globalist elite cabal that start wars in the middle east and then expects everyone else to pick up the bill when things don't work out as planned.

    Many believe this whole migration operation is engineered to destabilize and break western countries so that globalists can usher in global governance as a solution to the chaos. A non-integrated, "safe zone" in Europe would become a pseudo-Palestinian state immediately and would wreak havoc upon it's neighbors due to the inherently incompatible cultures.

    For the record, not all globalists are capitalists. Capitalism is merely an economic system that some have used to amass wealth and power. Globalism is an ideology promoted by elites who include writers, politicians, "scholars," oligarchs, capitalists, technologists, military leaders, monarchs and medical doctors. Many of these people do not even support capitalism, they loath it actually, and promote authoritarian governance as a way to usher in "fairness" throughout the globe.

    I don't disagree that cheap labor is irresistible to businesses and capitalists. The lengths they've gone in the US to brainwash people into thinking it's creating benefits to everyone is unreal. You're automatically called a racist or bigot if you dare to oppose their illegal immigrant influx.

  • In my opinion, immigration should be decided upon by the native population of a country, not by some globalist elite cabal that start wars in the middle east and then expects everyone else to pick up the bill when things don't work out as planned.

    Well, it is just good wish without understanding how to make it. Utopia. And it originates from not understanding that the state is and how things work.

    Just simple short explanation. You have Swedish state - every capitalist state is dictatorship of ruling capitalist class, and all laws are just form of their wishes. Hence if they got immigrants they wanted them and now even openly told you why (quire rare thing - usually they just lie).

  • You're absolutely right, it's amazing how open they are about this. They must feel completely invulnerable.

  • Well, I already posted suitable quote

    The new era differs from the old chiefly in that the lash begins to imagine itself possessed of genius.

    K. Marx.

  • @Tron

    Many believe this whole migration operation is engineered to destabilize and break western countries so that globalists can usher in global governance as a solution to the chaos. A non-integrated, "safe zone" in Europe would become a pseudo-Palestinian state immediately and would wreak havoc upon it's neighbors due to the inherently incompatible cultures.

    You nailed it. I hope it doesnt happen in my lifetime.

  • Europe is fucked royally. It was fucked since the 1960's when it decided to move away from what made Europe powerful i.e. Christianity. So while you have all the works of Christianity like Governments, Hospitals...churches and Schools you now have social disintegration, drugs, crime, workless populations.. You now have as the final straw an import of Muslims that have fucked up their own nations and now will add to Europes along with the coming banking collapse. Very sad...

  • “If aggression against another foreign country means that it strains its social structure, that it ruins its finances, that it has to give up its territory for sheltering refugees…what is the difference between that kind of aggression and the other type, the more classical type, when someone declares war or something of that sort?”

    ~ Samar Sen, India’s ambassador to the United Nations

    Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement as an Instrument of Coercion Kelly M. Greenhill[1]

    Coercion is generally understood to refer to the practice of inducing or preventing changes in political behavior through the use of threats, intimidation, or some other form of pressure—most commonly, military force. This article focuses on a very particular nonmilitary method of applying coercive pressure—the use of migration and refugee crises as instruments of persuasion.

  • Supposedly, Gaddafi wanted big payoffs to prevent mass migration chaos in the EU.

    " Great idea! We came, we saw, he died! Bye, bye EU!"

    EU keen to strike deal with Muammar Gaddafi on immigration Commission chiefs to hold talks with Libya over Gaddafi's demand for €5bn a year to stop Europe turning 'black'

    Gaddafi: Europe will 'turn black' unless EU pays Libya £4bn a year

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev

    Please don't put words in my mouth. "Second rate dumb people" are your words, not mine. Looking at average IQ by country, I guess you would have a point though. That's on you however.

    I am also acutely aware of the migrant industrial complex. Without it, none of them would have arrived at the Swedish boarder. If this is a function of socialism or capitalism depends on your point of view I guess. To me they are one and the same in Sweden. Each clamouring for the violent monopoly of the state to impose laws, restrictions and order people around or shoot them if they refuse.

    Your trope about middle eastern migrants as hardworking people with western european morals and ethics that just want to work hard to put food on their table and a roof over their head is in many ways incorrect however.

    After 15 years in Sweden, only 34% of migrants are working. The rest continue to live off of welfare. This will fuck over any economy in the long run.

    For me as an individual, there is no benefit to taking in all these economic migrants, only costs.

    We get more unemployable people without viable work or language skills in the Swedish economy. We get more strain on already failing institutions such as law enforcement, schools and healthcare, more segregation and violence (despite massive transfers of wealth from swedes to migrants).

    Only benefactors are people within the Migrant Industrial Complex; politicians, law firms, bureaucrats. And the economic migrants of course. transferring vasts amount of wealth from working class people like me.

    So, to recap; I stand by my point that should special economic zones be set up without welfare or minimum wage to create migrant ghettos, the migrants would move from Sweden, because the only reason they are here in the first place is for the welfare. Without the welfare most of them would be homeless and starve, as 66% of economic migrants apparently cannot support him/herself even after 15 years on welfare.

    Please bare in mind I have made no comments as to the migrants intelligence nor any moral judgements, it is in many ways irrelevant, as the data that's available speaks for itself. Which probably is why all the politicians now all of a sudden changed their minds about these migrants (Angela Merkel for instance). Maybe they realised, that if they completely destroy the economy, they will be out of a job, or at least cop a severe pay cut.

  • Your trope about middle eastern migrants as hardworking people with western european morals and ethics that just want to work hard to put food on their table and a roof over their head is in many ways incorrect however.

    Never said it. I said that they came for roof and good life, but they came to capitalist country. For else see below.

    After 15 years in Sweden, only 34% of migrants are working. The rest continue to live off of welfare. This will fuck over any economy in the long run.

    No, actually it is that capitalist want. You again assume that your ruling class is absolutely dumb guys who made error and are unable to fix it. They never made any error, so nothing to fix.

    Capitalist want most of immigrants to remain unemployed.

    First, they become easy to use instant reserve for any capitalist, as they can just reduce all welfare instantly.
    Second, they can be used to increase nationalist parties sponsored by capitalists. Also useful if due to economic issues you will require open dictatorship of capitalists.
    Third is very related to second, as all society attention is focused on artificially made problem.

  • @Vitaliy_Kiselev I'm pretty sure you you said it ;)

    "All that this people wanted is to have some home, work and live normally"

    I'm objecting to your very liberal interpretation of the meaning of the words "work" and "live normally" here. I don't think living 100% on welfare as either "working" or "normal".

    You also use the term "good life", which would imply a moral dimension. This I would also disagree with. A good life would be a virtuous life. I would hardly call living off welfare a "virtuous life", nor a good life. I would call it a parasitical life.

    Hence I stand by my point. Without the welfare, which would not be there in a SEZ, these migrants would disappear, as they cannot make a living for themselves. They knowingly chose a country where they don't know the language, with a vastly different culture than their own, much more remote and harder to get to geographically than many other alternatives, precisely because of the welfare system. Ergo, no welfare (as within a SEZ) no economic migrants.

    I would not mind a SEZ in Sweden though. Our laws and regulations makes almost impossible to be a small to medium size business. A nordic Hong-Kong or Singapore would be a welcome change. I doubt it would be a big hit with the economic migrants though. I also doubt that would EVER fly in Sweden. Our Right is far left by many other countries standards haha.

    I'm also a bit curious about your definition of the word capitalist. I think I know, but I'm not sure. I'm guessing it would be the big corporations that are in bed with government in a nice fascistic symbiosis, bleeding the population dry. But what about the small to medium size businesses that have no ties and are granted no favours by government, and have no resources for elaborate tax evasion schemes? Are they evil capitalists as well? Is it the 5 man business down the street that are all equal shareholders in their own company? I'm not well enough familiarised with communist/Marxist theories to know where you are coming from.

  • @Gamer_s

    In one part you agree that it was organized by ruling class as it is too obvious, in another you slide back to ruling class legend that this guys come here to just get welfare money and do nothing. Despite my simple explanation why they want them in exactly such state.

    I'm also a bit curious about your definition of the word capitalist. I think I know, but I'm not sure. I'm guessing it would be the big corporations that are in bed with government in a nice fascistic symbiosis, bleeding the population dry. But what about the small to medium size businesses that have no ties and are granted no favours by government, and have no resources for elaborate tax evasion schemes? Are they evil capitalists as well? Is it the 5 man business down the street that are all equal shareholders in their own company? I'm not well enough familiarised with communist/Marxist theories to know where you are coming from.

    I am sure that you can spend few minutes and read definition of capitalists made in Marx or Lenin works. And, yes I am sad to tell you that small capitalist and even petty bourgeoisie (guys who own means of production, but live from their own work mostly) are dreaming about becoming large ones. I even done my own survey to prove it, some years ago. :-)

  • I think you guys should read Kurt Vonnegut's first novel "Player Piano" published in the late 1950's. He predicted the new world order and the world we now live in. The novel describes very clearly how a "managerial elite" can control and suppress public opinion and wealth, while encouraging the population to consume the products of their corporate machine.

  • @caveport And '1984' predicted exactly what Wikileaks has been exposing... massive media & govt collusion at the highest levels to steer public opinion toward voting for the most corrupt politicians ever to run for office. And now we're seeing it accelerate, as the last bastion of free reporting - the Internet, is being attacked and readied for "regulation" by the powerful so that they can completely squash any independent thought or speech from propagating.

    They are also exposed as purposefully working to dumb down the general public. It's all in Podesta's e-mails... from conspiracy theory to reality in one swift move. Of course none of this will get reported by the NY Times or CNN, it's a complete blackout on that front. Too busy hatcheting Trump.