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Unmanageable Complexity: Zugzwang
  • We have big problem now.

    No expert or politician want to tell you the truth. Even most bright one state that we need to change huge number of things and all will improve.

    It is fucking lie.

    Proper, real proposals must begin with -

    It'll be worse, but if we make this and this it'll be not so horrible as it could be, or at least it will be same bad, but in much smaller gradient (making it much more easy to live with it for average Joe).

    Saying it other way - somehow you need to make some distorted negative of current democratic system. And this is impossible.

    Present elites found temporary solution - fuck people brains, print fiat money and keep gradient under specified value (so it is harder to notice).

  • 10 Replies sorted by
  • what's a zugwang?

  • @babypanda

    Please keep to the topic.

    As for zugzwang, please bring petition to google to lift the ban.

  • Zugzwang is german. I speak german. It means being in a situation where you are forced to make your next move- you cannot afford to wait.

    As to google- which ban?

  • As to google- which ban?

    Asking that specific common word mean usually come from people who are banned at Google (such saying).

  • No ban here in Portugal:

    Zugzwang (German for "compulsion to move", pronounced [ˈtsuːktsvaŋ]) is a situation found in chess and other games wherein one player is put at a disadvantage because they must make a move when they would prefer to pass and not to move. The fact that the player is compelled to move means that his position will become significantly weaker. A player is said to be "in zugzwang" when any possible move will worsen his position.[1] The term is also used in combinatorial game theory, where it means that it directly changes the outcome of the game from a win to a loss, but the term is used less precisely in games such as chess.[2][3] Putting the opponent in zugzwang is a common way to help the superior side win a game, and in some cases, it is necessary in order to make the win possible.[4] The term "zugzwang" was used in German chess literature in 1858 or earlier,[5] and the first known use of the term in English was by World Champion Emanuel Lasker in 1905.[6] The concept of zugzwang was known to players many centuries before the term was coined, appearing in an endgame study published in 1604 by Alessandro Salvio, one of the first writers on the game, and in shatranj studies dating back to the early 9th century, over 1000 years before the first known use of the term. Positions with zugzwang occur fairly often in chess endgames. According to John Nunn, positions of reciprocal zugzwang are surprisingly important in the analysis of endgames.[7][8]


  • Vitaliy's joke is better explained as

  • I still dont get it. googling zugzwang was my first attempt at understanding, but there is the term explained. still dont get the petition ban stuff.

  • still dont get the petition ban stuff.

    It was SARCASM!.

  • [deleted blurb]