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Gh4 and Atomos Shogun
  • 8 Replies sorted by
  • @RRRoger Perhaps V-Log will give a reason to go external with GH4.

  • I now have a "necessary" Odyssey 7Q+ for my A7s.

    And, I am one of those that cannot see the difference between internal GH4 recordings unless you use the highest bit rates, huge file sizes, and slow processing that come with that.

  • @lucapasturini thanks for sharing. Footage is looking great. Could you share the original footage to that for us? That be great as I am planing on a Shogun.

  • Anybody heard any more about the january date for Panasonic's firmware release?

  • I want to know if the enhanced Video recording and monitoring are worth $2k to you? I have heard that some cannot tell the difference between the internal 4k and the shogun.

  • Thank You, i used the Voiglander 25mm 0.95 ....grading i use FCP X and just add a lot of color shape and layers and try to make a very heavy grade to see how much could hold the quality .

  • Looks great man! Nice work. What lens were you using and what was your grading process?