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FS: Schneider-Kreuznach 18-90mm F2 - very good condition, perfect for BMPCC / Digital Bolex / S16
  • I am selling my Schneider-Kreuznach 18-90mm F2, including a step-up ring to 77mm

    Infos and pictures here:

    I would sell it for € 660 including international shipping world wide. (Be quick though, the auction on Ebay is active)

    I have used it for my BMPCC, it has a really nice image. Selling it because it does sit in my bag too much compared to all my other lenses.

  • 3 Replies sorted by
  • Nope, I don't think so. I't covers the BMPCC really well, being made for one inch. But the corners will get critical on the BMCC on the wide end according to my simulations with the GH2. Our BMCC is EF, but I tested it with relative framing in PS. Oh, and if you have a BMPCC or smaller (D16), go for it! I really love mine and prices are rising. It has a lower contrast than modern glass WO, but it's a great lens.

  • I don't think so, no. It might cover the BMCC, except for maybe at the wide end.

  • I guess this doesn't cover s35mm?