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How not to do livestream
  • Learn from Apple.

    Today event is complete disaster, one of the worst I ever saw.

    Did not work at the start. Cutting off. Wrong sound level . Wrong sounds at all with Chinese translation, etc.

    Apple is known for horrible QT based translations, but even they set the record.

  • 8 Replies sorted by
  • But they are the best for Celebs Leaks

  • But they are the best for Celebs Leaks

    :-) They worked hard.

    The only tech that worked always perfect was done by small Microsoft team, they used it for all their translations. It was so simple and genius. Hardware encoder just makes many sizes and bitrates files (standard video file!) with small length and client and server just choose proper one depending on connection each time the change is coming.

    But after they cooled to Silverlight (as player was based on it), they switched to same shit we see all around.

  • The iPhone 6 kind of hit with a Thud. The kids aren't interested much.

  • @brianl

    Topic is not about iPhone, topic is about bad technology and bad technicians.

  • Many people see Apple as a leading technology company, I see it as a company which sells cheep hardware in a nice package at outrages prices. Their main gos translates in as much profit per squire inch a s possible, no wander they hired bad technicians, they where very cheep LOL.

  • Very good articles explaining things

    The bottom line with this event is that the encoding, translation, JavaScript code, the video player, the call to S3 single storage location and the millisecond refreshes all didn’t work properly together and was the root cause of Apple’s failed attempt to make the live stream work without any problems. So while it would be easy to say it was a CDN capacity issue, which was my initial thought considering how many events are taking place today and this week, it does not appear that a lack of capacity played any part in the event not working properly. Apple simply didn’t provision and plan for the event properly.

  • Don't worry @VK, Even apple is dumping QT. AVFoundation is the new disaster zone... Makes quicktime look good.